Adding and Editing a lesson
How can I define Double/Triple etc lessons?
I want to have Single AND Double lessons of one subject! E.g 1+1+1+2
I want to have 1+1+1+2 OR 1+2+2 lessons per week.
How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
How can I define lesson without any teacher?
How can I copy lessons
Adding more lessons at once
Double lessons appear to be doubled in the timetable, what is wrong?
How to add the same lesson with multiple lengths in Timetables online
How to change merged lessons in Timetables Online
Merging lessons in the lists in Timetables online
How to merge already created lessons in TimeTables Online
How can I create co-teached lessons
Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)