Electronic applications

application, application to study

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General information about the admissions module can be found in the article about admissions.
To use electronic applications, please prepare and publish the electronic application form on your school webpage, where it can be filled in by the applicants. Follow the instructions below.

1. Go to the list of all available modules and find the special Electronic application module.

Attention: You are looking for the spacial Electronic application module. Do not use the text module Application. Click on the "MODIFY" button.

2. Customize the application. Select the desired type of application (if there are) and save the change. Customize the application according to your needs.

Write instructions to users regarding the application form. It is not necessary to set all of the offered parts of welcome texts. Feel free to input no more than the introduction text.
Click on the "Settings" button to select the data to be filled out. For example: language courses, R.E., etc.


Indicate mandatory fields to be filled out. Just click on the field. The background of the field will change to orange.

4. For the application form to work, just activate it by pressing the Turn the application on button, which can be found in the application form settings:

5. To make the application form available to the applicants and their parents, just upload the electronic application module on your school webpage. The location should be easy to spot.
How to place an electronic application in the menu on the website?

6. The electronic application can be uploaded to the news section of your school webpage together with information about the admisssions process.
News on webpage
How to include a link to electronic application on the school webpage

How to adjust the layout of the application form
Where can I find the list of submitted applications?
How can the parent print out or change the submitted application?

Submitted electronic applications display in Agenda Online. The information they contain can be easily transferred to your Agenda Online system: Application form - Uploading data to Agenda Online