Planning exams overview

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Click Notifications in the left menu and select Planning.

The colored icons in the calendar on the right or in the center of the screen indicate planned upcoming exams, projects, HW, etc.

Detailed description of the Planning screen

If a specific lesson has been selected in the top menu, events (exams, projects, HW, etc.) for this particular lesson display. You can see all the events planned in class 2.A by other teachers as well.

If you have selected the day of your exam, hover over Math 2.A on that day. A gray + appears. Click it.

Input the title of the exam, check the details of the event e.g. type of exam. Press "Done". The event has been created. The students are informed about the upcoming exam.

The students can be assigned study topics to prepare better for the exam. מהם "נושאי לימוד"?