How to share my plan with other teachers?

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If you want to share your plan with other teachers, you need to set the visibility of the plan for others. Select "Plan&Preparations" from the upper menu. Select "Edit plan".

Select "Settings".

There are 3 ways how to share a plan:

  • Share the plan with other teachers who can only copy plan topics.
  • Share the plan with other teachers, and allow copying of preparations that are included in the plan topics.
  • Don't share the plan with other teachers.
  • If a teacher copies his plan - e.g. last year's plan or a plan from a parallel class, regardless of the settings above, he will always copy the plan with the preparations.

    The teacher can choose these settings when creating a course in the advanced settings რა არის კურსი? როგორ შევქმნათ?
    or at any time if you open the course settings: როგორ შევცვალოთ კურსის პარამეტრები?