Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to set the initial credit / import from the different software
...the ... from ... different software to the EduPage ... importing them from an Excel file ... Before entering the initial credit ... it's recommended to set up the following:...

(initial credit)

1 The meaning of credit in the Payments module
...the Payments module ... Initial credit is included in the payments calculations ... The period from - to should be selected accordingly ... Different...

1 How to save time when assigning subjects to classes?
...import ... the settings of subjects on the report card from timetables or from grades...

(report, reports, certificate, certificates, subjects, order)

1 How to set the date for calculating the attendance of students in a term
...the administrator on the EduPage ... Set the initial date of attendance calculating in the next term...

1 Import of payments from bank statement
...from ... the bank statement enables school record payments quickly ... To import ... file format and you can set up the credit, debit or all payments...

(import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments)

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
...credit in the School canteen module ... The initial ... from ... Order of meal is important ... How ... Different ... This value is set...

1 Student home preparation for a test
...the students ... It can either be the topics from their plan or standards ... The system selects different set of questions for the test...

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
... they have no orders set up, 2 ... or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit) ... who have actually dined during the year! HOW TO RECOVER BOARDER...

(delete boarder, renew boarder)

1 How to close the class register for classes that finish before the end of school year (graduate classes)
... First, delete the finishing classes with no further lessons, from the timetable ... Then publish a new timetable version and set the validity date...

1 How to import books into the library?
...import a list of books from Excel/CSV into the EduPage Library ... Books that have the same ISBN, title, and author but a different book number are imported as one book with multiple book pieces...

1 How to enter mass evaluation of HW check (OK/Not done/In progress) in the application?
...the mobile application ... Click on the student to set the elaboration status to "OK" ... To set a different state, hold your finger on the student name and select form the list of possible states...

1 How to delete/restore a user in Payments module
... Deleting a user is possible just for the ... returned or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit) ... How to delete a user: By default...

(delete a user, deleted user, restore a user, )

1 How to import students, teachers or parents?
...the Wizard button and then scroll down to School data ... Select Import ... Once done, the software ... the software will show you in the bottom part of the dialog how it understands your data...

1 Return payments - How to enter the account for refund
...set up by: 1 ... Users/parents Parents can set up the bank account information direct in their parent account: 2 ... from bank statement ... via import...

(bank account information, parent, user, school, system, employee, non-refundable accounts, import from excel)

1 Serving of the meal - when the school cooks
...the 'Canteen' module in the left menu ... In the 'Opening hours' section you can set days and meals for periods when the canteen is in operation ... time range for each day meal and the number of different meals (menu) ... from lunch...

1 How to define the evaluation scale
...from points/percentage value" type of evaluation ... you should set a scale for computing the grade ... Create your own scale with defined percentage margins for different grades...

(scale, evaluation)

1 Student card
...Compulsory information is the Name and Surname ... They are different for different countries ... Some data have been set ... Just import it from the class settings...

1 Administrator: How to set the grading system 1-5, 1-6, A-F etc.
...set ... the ... In the settings you can select from a list of predefined grading systems, e ... If your school uses different grading system for different classes...

1 How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
...from points/percentage value" type of evaluation ... you should set a scale for computing the grade ... Create your own scale with defined percentage margins for different grades...

1 Bad payers - automatic renewal of orders by system
...the ... It's also advisable for the school to first set ... From: Options to choose from ... Apply settings only if: Credit ... how ... You can also specify sending different...

(bad payers, renewal)

1 Notifications and automatic messages in the canteen module
...the automatic sending of notifications to boarders, which are delivered to their EduPage account ... Notifications: Canteen: Your credit is only xx,xx (local currency) ... Canteen: Your orders were interrupted from 25...


1 How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement
...the ... For detailed instructions on how to input the payment manually or import from excel ... Default setting is to assign payments by recognising of:...

(manual input, excel, bank statement, )

1 What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
...different evaluation options for students based on their experience and custom ... The teacher can set the type of assignment evaluation when creating a new assignment in the grade book...

1 Return payments - How to record return of overpayment/payment
...the ... settlement ... Returned payments can be imported from ... the return payment of the initial credit)...

(refund, returned payment, entered manually, import from bank statement, debit payments, )

1 Is it possible to combine evaluation with grades and evaluation with points or percentages?
... Create a new assignation - test/exam with the name "Test" ... maximum number of points is set to 30 ... How ... If evaluaating with grade scale from 1 to 5 grade „1“ is awarded for 20 points ... different grades...

1 How to set different school sections
...set different sections of your school ... please go to Agenda Online / Code list: repeat to set the other sections of your school (2,...

1 How to copy a teaching plan and teaching materials from one EduPage to another?
...the preparations from a different EduPage...

1 Task to repair
...the behavior notice ... If the student fulfills the task in the set timeframe, the teacher can delete the notice manually...

1 How to change / erase existing image comment
...the comment you entered for the image ... select the T (ext) icon or shape icon from the right menu ... It is necessary to choose a different icon from the menu than the first icon - a line...

(eraser, rubber)

1 Applications
...different types of applications electronically ... Example how to use Applications Module: ... - leave of absence from class for their child ... Authorised person can set...

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
...the My Library you can find the materials you used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc ... Select the topic from the plan where you want to connect the materials...

1 How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
...the list of messages can be maked as "done" by sliding it to side ... Messages marked as "done" are not deleted, they are just hidden from view ... click on the three dots in the upper right corner and tick the "Show done" option...

1 How to input the educational activities into the school club class register (the scope of the interest group)
...the ... Then, simply select a teaching topic from the plan ... it is important ... settings or via the personal timetable...

1 Teacher - How to input and set the competences
...from grading the students' work with grades ... In the settings, you can set the number of grading levels, the icons style, terms of evaluation...

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
...the "Preparations" tile on the main page ... Fill in the name of the material and set the other settings...

1 How to copy the content of My library to a different EduPage
...from a different EduPage together with the teaching materials...

1 How to set up the end of employment to a colleague and deactivate his account?
...the teacher account, as this can lead to data synchronization errors in your EduPage ... Therefore, first set up "employed till" date and then deactivate the colleague's EduPage account ... Go to Agenda Online in Teacher - Staff and double-click on the teacher you want to remove from your EduPage...

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
...) are educated online with a slightly different timetable ... two week timetable can be set in the Timetables: In week A set the timetable for classes 5...

1 How to set the date of classification?
...set the classification date for each term in EduPage as follows: Select Grades in left menu, then click Grade book settings / Terms...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
...the teachers to set the weight of grade ... Obviously, a grade from ... Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework ... Let's see how the weight is considered in computing the average...

1 How to sort the assignments in Grade book into columns
... assignments in the Grade book, use categories (without weighting) to simplify the view ... For example, let's create a Homework category to group all grades from homeworks ... Different categories can have different backround color ... To group the grades into categories, set...

1 How to set own maturity date in the payment plan
...set ... the ... In our example we need to set the different maturity date for one specific payer in existing payment plan "Trip to Prague":...

(payment plan, creating a new payment plan, editing the payment plan, own maturity date)

1 Import to new school year - canteen and payments
...the ... The transfer of payment plans from ... They will be displayed as initial credit in the new school year payments ... Ask the administrator to import data to the new school year ... set...

1 How to delete a teaching plan?
... Delete the course, create a new one and create a new plan there ... Delete all chapters in the plan as follows: Set your mouse over the chapter name ... Click on it to remove this chapter from the plan...

1 How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate
... click the "Settings" button ... Click "Compute final grade" and set the margins for evaluation from average in percentages or grades...

1 How to customize the section appearance - show or hide sections?
...the items displayed have been set , the predefined items display can be set for individual employees...

1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
...the ... set up bank account information to which the school returns possible overpayments ... from which was the last payment received and assigned...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 How can I give notices to students?
...Login to EduPage and select the course that you want to give the notice from ... In the advanced settings, you can set the visibility or weight of the notice...

1 How to remove cards from a topic in the plan or from uncategorized cards
... To remove categorization of the card to the plan, tick the card and select the tag icon in the top menu ... The card will be removed from the topic in the plan but it will not be deleted...

1 Administrator: How to set up rights in the grade book?
... It's no longer necessary for the administrator to set this right elsewhere...

1 How to set the process of recording absences into substitutions
...set ... the...

1 How to set a school defined field in the electronic application
...the "Start" button ... Go to Settings ... Tick the "Show special fields defined by school on the application" box ... Residence distance from school in km...

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
... you need to set the visibility of the plan for others ... Select "Plan&Preparations" from the upper menu ... There are 3 ways how to share a plan:...

1 How to enter the different fee for each user in one payment plan
...different ... the ... Import ... settings pressing Ok...

(payment plan, different fee, import of fees, Excel)

1 Why is the "Connect" button green/blue/grey?
...the lesson ... If you scheduled your lesson for the period from 10:00 to 10:45 ... that everything has been set right...

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
... on the right +add time range ... fill start date from the new price will be valid ... now you can enter new prices for each Payer type HOW TO CHECK THE CHANGE IN PRICES ... Set the month and click on image one person and Prices without payments ...

(prices, change)

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
...the ... Specific symbol serves to differentiate ... Import of payments from ... How to import the payments from the bank statement: ...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

1 New boarder during the school year
... How to enter the orders for new boarder ... b) Payer type set the correct pricing of meal for boarder ... from suspension ... Common mistake => Different ... important...

(new boarder)

1 How to create different overviews and export them to excel
...different filters in Users´payments overview: ... filters over the table ... b) time period - you can set your own time period ... However ... name of the student, class, credit from 0,01 ...

1 Inputting absent teachers
... Click on the ... from main menu ... You can set also longtime absence ... Once you add an absent, the software will show you the lessons...

1 Administrator - How to input and set the competences for an individual course
...the main page of your EduPage...

1 Let's get started: How to input your school data into EduPage?
... Click on the Wizard tile on the start screen or in the left menu: ... You can either bulk import them from an Excel spreadsheet or add them manually one by one ... Remember, that Class 1A and Class 1B are two different classes, even though they are the same grade...

1 Overview - works
...the Works view the administrator can see the number of assigned tests, homeworks, projects ... The number shows how many works the teacher has assigned...

1 How can the parent print out or change the submitted application?
...the application has been submitted, it can be printed out ... The code can be stated in the confirmation e-mail, if set by the administrator ... for example based on a signed print out accepted from the parent...

1 Setting rules for automatic generating of educational measures based on compliments and notices
...from grades ... it is possible to award the students compliments/notices and educational measures ... At the same time, rules can be set ... It is important to select the correct rule type...

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
...the boarder ... It occurs based on the credit balance of each boarder- therefore ... their meal card should be set with a real end date for their meal provision ... ---> Diners become familiar with how meal sign-ups/sign-outs work ... from the beginning ... - You can choose a different...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 How to copy the teaching plan if I teach parallel classes?
...the course you want to copy the teaching plan to ... Select Plans and Preparations from the top menu...

1 How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations
... Follow this help: Set the desired topic in your plan ... Select the specific homework from the list of assignments a click Answers...

1 Change of payment's assignment
... the ... The sum of payment is divided to two different payment plans and this assignment is also permanent ... the system would register decrease in the credit ... If conditions for orders suspension set in the automatic suspensions were fulfilled...

(payment´s assignment, change of assignment, flexible assignment, permanent assignment)

1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
...the "Preparations" button on the main page and select a topic from the plan ... Select the deadline for elaboration of the homework or keep the "next lesson" setting...

1 Final report - How to set subjects in the final report
...Go to the Agenda Online - Certificates ... Importing subjects Instead of inputting the subjects, they can be imported from the timetable or from the Grades...

1 How to use teaching plan in class register?
... you do not need to type the curriculum on each lesson, just select from a teaching plan...

1 Evaluation type "Grade computed from point/percentage value"
... EduPage can help you with computing the grade from points awarded in a test ... The weight of the grade can be set too...

1 How to request a feedback from recepients of the message
...from the recipients, EduPage offers this possiblity when sending a message...

1 How to send a message to selected students (parents) from multiple classes
...the "Send a message button" ... Second approach: to sending a message to the parents of students from different classes...

1 How to set up the "custom" grading type?
...the list of grades used during the school year and their counting into average ... If you award the student grade A, for example, it will count into the average with a numerical value set in the "Value for average" column...

1 How to set up the "generic" grading type?
...1: If the school uses merely grades and a student gets grades: 1 and 5 his average will be 3 ... Next define how the final grade should be calculated ... This is how we set the final grades calculations up in the grade book setting in "other"...

1 How to ban inputting curriculum in the class register beforehand
...the class register beforehand ... When the teacher is set in a future date in the class register, an alert appears in the bottom right corner...

1 How to set a different label format for printing QR codes?
...the Library module, select the "Settings" tab in the top menu...

1 How to add a teacher the right to view grades in multiple classes?
...the courses created ... It is no necessary for the administrator to set this right for the teacher elsewhere ... The administrator can set class teachers the right to view grades from all subjects of their class...

1 Return payments - How to generate a batch payment order for the bank
...the bank ... set up the account: ... different ... initial payment from - if ... Filters - how ... ) => not every credit is necessarily an overpayment ... import...

(batch payment, overpayments, payment plan, bank account details, credit, debit payments)

1 Online lessons via Webex Teams
...the "Online lesson" option from the rolldown menu of the lesson in the class register...

1 How to enable self evaluation of students in competences
...the students to self evaluate the competences you have set for them...

1 Overhead costs
... You can find these settings in the top drop-down menu: ... If you have different time periods set in 'Types of payers & Price list' section...

1 Canteen module - what it offers
... the administrator verifies and allows ... set different prices for different types of boarders ... set a default menu or special diet menu (...

1 Different menus for different groups of boarders, (e.g. diet menu)
...set several different meals (menu) ... The 'Canteen' module can be accessed on the ... We are going to show ... from...

1 Teacher details
...A: First column specifies if the teacher can do substitutions at all ... B: In the second column you can set duty and time-off for teachers ... The software then reports how many overtime lessons the teacher did...

1 Where does the teacher find the students' results after the end of interactive lesson?
...the end of the interactive lesson the teacher can find the students' results in the Results/Blackboard tab ... The results of a specific interactive lesson are saved in the Results of the course from which the presentation had been launched...

1 How to count different types of substitutions into teachers' attendance
...the teachers' attendance automatically ... set a simple condition ... "JC - Joined classes" type of substitution has been deducted from the number of substituted lessons...

1 How to record student's switching class
...the course of the school year, the change has to be recorded ... The changes in the list of students in a group should only be set in the current class, no changes should be set in the former class...

1 Class teacher - Mass evaluation of students' behavior in final report/certificate
...the same value to all students in the class (e ... The grade is set to all students in the class...

1 Teacher with accounts administration rights
...the administrator awards the teacher accounts administration rights ... (Accounts: Administration) To do so, please follow these istructions: The most important feature of accounts administration is the management of login data ... In the "Other" section there are listed different options for distributing log in data to the users...

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
...different names" notice might appear when verifying the aScTimetable on EduPage:...

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value"
...In this evaluation type the teacher sets maximum number of points the students can gain...

1 Specifying substitutions
...the absent teacher ... the software ... the software will show ... Teachers are sorted from ... There you can set...

1 How to copy students' attendance data from a previous lesson in the mobile application
...the first lesson of the class that day ... you can just click the "Repeat attendance from previous lesson" button...

1 How to confirm the imported payments
...the ... from ... If you need to import the payments from bank statement please see ... different payer in the past)...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 Rating of served meals
...the quality and quantity of the meals served ... Ratings by students The boarders/parents can rate the meal directly from the canteen menu when they are logged into their account ... At first, the rating in the canteen menu is set on average...

1 Overview - absence notes
... The "Absence notes from parents" column tells you about the number of absence notes that parents have given...

1 Can the school hide the grades from parents?
...the final grades are to be shown to logged parents or students ... You will set it up in the grade book settings: ... - options to show the calculated average from the intermediate grades...

1 Where can the files uploaded to the application be found?
...from the list of submitted applications, select the "View file" button next to the field with attached file...

1 How to import students' photos to EduPage?
...imported from one file at a time into EduPage ... The...

1 How to import a teaching plan from excel/word?
...from Excel/Word to EduPage is easy ... For teaching plans created in Word, copy them to Excel and follow the instructions for teaching plans in Excel ... ATTENTION: To import the Excel data correctly ... Use the mouse to move the titles of different columns to the red fields...

1 List of all helps for payment module
...Basic information about the module ... Payment plans - how to set fees ... - cash and non-cash payment plans for students from different classes - courses...

1 Teacher terminated employment contract
... it is not correct to delete their data from the database...

1 How to create card with table in preparations
...the bottom right corner and select "Text Card" ... You can set the number of rows and columns of the table either in the right pane (Table options) or through the + buttons...

1 How to change the language of your EduPage
...different languages ... To change the language, select "Web page" in the left menu of the main page...

1 Where can the teacher see the students results during an interactive lesson?
...the students icon in the top right corner of the screen ... Apart from the results of individual students, average success rate in the question is displayed too ... If some of the students did not manage to submit their answer in the set time limit, the system evaluates the answer as incorrect...

1 How to register external students to interest group
...from other schools ... How to register these external students to an interest group? ...

1 How to add refund to the payment plan (for trips, excursios, etc.)
... Sometimes is the ... How to add refund to the payment plan: 1 ... - set the maturity date ... - setting the sum of fee varies in different situations: a ... from the original one to the reduced one...

(refund of the whole fee, refund of the part of the fee, reduction of the fee)

1 How to set the right to add notices in behavior to all teachers at once
... In the unrestricted mode, any teachers can input grades to any students i ... If, however your school prefers restricted rights mode, select Overview in the left menu and click Rights...

1 How to access the list of parents' accounts
...Select the "Setup wizard" option on the main page ... The username to parent EduPage account is the parent's email address, unless the background color indicates different...

1 Substitution of long lessons (double, triple, ..)
...) are displayed in Substitution as one row with small plus sign "+" at the beginning ... Simply open substitution dialog for this lesson with double click on the row and set necessary changes in a standard way ... Then you can select different cover teacher for every of these lessons (or set different subjects, classrooms, notes...

(double lessons,)

1 How to adjust the layout of the application form
...the electronic application settings ... tick the "Show ... You can select from 4 different types of fields:...

1 How to rename EduPage?
... the page name is created as a randomly generated 8-digit code ... However ... While renaming the page, the system prompts you to set the administrator password ... From...

1 Administrator - Divisions Overview
...the administrator can reveal possible problems with divisions ... The division has been adopted from English ... Maybe, there is just one student assigned to different groups in different subjects...

1 How to send a message to participants of a particular event
...the participants of a specific event even while creating the event, or later via the event editing ... However, 2 or more different messages cannot be sent in this way...

1 How to copy my teaching plan from a different EduPage account (another active or disabled account)
...the course which you want to copy a plan to and click on the 'Create the plan' button ... Click on the 'Copy from another plan' button...

1 Setting the period for the school year in the canteen module
...from the agenda module ... However ... set ... different academic year ... initial...

(school year, setting, canteen)

1 User rights to Teachers' attendance
...the entire administrator rights to the module "teacher attendance" to a teacher ... Follow these instructions to do so You can set the rights to manual editing of attendance for teachers through "Settings" → "user rights"...

1 How to display the calendar on the school webpage
... make it visible: Press the "Start" button and select the Webpage wizard ... Select the Calendar section and tick the "Show this section" box...

1 How to change the fee in the payment plan
...the school year can sometimes change and it is necessary to adjust the fees that were set at the beginning...

(change of fee for one particular student, change of fee for all students in payment plan)

1 How to display only the current students of the school
...the students in the particular classes...

1 How do I start the English version of the questionnaire?
...the questionnaire also includes an English version, after entering the contest code on the website, the respondent can choose whether to start the Slovak or the English version of the questionnaire...

1 End of study or employment
...the end date is set in Agenda the name will be in grey and crossed ... HOW TO FIND BOARDERS WHO LEFT Above the list of boarders find icon 'Grid'...

(end, leaving)

1 How to change the order of topics/chapters in the plan?
...the order of topics or chapters in the plan...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
...different purposes (e ... Parents will automatically receive a message - both on the ... Adding of payments (after collecting money from ... Parent has information what, how much and until when to pay and sends money to school...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 How to create a new presentation?
...Set yourself on the topic of the plan ... They differ from each other by the layout of the image and the text ... The picture shows, how to add image or delete this slide...

1 How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
...the materials about a specific study topic prepared for them by the teacher: 1 ... The students see individual topics from your plans...

1 How to place an electronic application in the menu on the website?
...the Start button in the upper left corner, select "Modules and navigation" and then "List all available modules"...

1 How to delete a student from a database?
... you should first end their studies: If it is necessary to delete this student from the database for the current year, you can delete their account ... Then you set the end of studies for the student again and delete them...

1 How to award the students extra points for active participation in the lesson
...the students' activity in the lesson with extra points, select evaluation type "Points" in the Grade book ... Set the maximum number of points to 0...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
...the past, can be used in the following school years too ... If you don't have your teaching plan in EduPage yet, you can create it or copy it or import it from excel:...

1 Change of class teacher in the middle of school year
...the administrator in the "Basic school data" section ... The change will be reflected in the reports from the class register...

1 Saving material to preparations while creating it
... set the right topic in the plan and press the red + button...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
...the correct calculation of fees , it is necessary for the ordering period to: 1 ... Ensuring that all orders are terminated is also important for proper final billing ... , has orders set) and also for which period of the year orders are set...

(end, shorten, period)

1 How can a teacher accept absence note from a parent in the mobile application?
...the message about a pending absence note and select either accept or reject...

1 Automatic alerting teachers who omitted to fill out the curriculum in the class register
...the curriculum in the class register ... First, set the period for filling out the curriculum to 2 days for example...

1 How to define Inventory types?
...the Code Lists of Agenda Online, you can define various Inventory types ... This is to organise the inventory items into different types...

1 How can the teacher find out whether the grade has been signed by parent?
... display the signed grades via the "Show" buuton...

1 How can a teacher view the answers/results of students in the mobile application?
...the "Results" tile ... Click the settings icon to create an assignment in the grade book for that assignment...

1 How to enter a student's notice in the EduPage mobile application
...the "+" sign in the top right corner ... (If you wish to give notice to a student from other course than the ones you teach, search in the list of classes ... If the class is not displayed in the list, tap the "Show all" text at the bottom of the list...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
...the end of school year ... It is important to set "Do not count" type of excuse...

1 How do I get to the materials that other teachers have prepared for the Standards
...the top menu, select a course and Standards...

1 How to use EduPage for distance learning
... The teacher creates materials to the topic of the teaching plan ... Results offer the teacher an overview of the submitted answers from the assigned material...

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
...the ... There are two options how to remove payment plan/modification for specific student: ... In this example we need to remove the payment plan "Swimming" from a specific student...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 How to assign types of payers to boarders
...the 'Orders & Types of payers & Guests' ... The type of payer can be set to the boarders in bulk or individually ... ) The following picture shows that the students of the selected classes are going to be set from 1st September as Primary school payers...

1 How to set up meal cancellation/order placement; selection from multiple menus
...set ... This is the ... It can be set variably - for different days of the week ... from ... Depending on how ... important to set up! ...

(cancellation, multiple menu)

1 Administrator - Overview of assignments
...the teachers assign to students, such as homeworks, tests or projects ... In the overview the administrator has information about teachers and how they manage to follow their teaching plans ... Click on the particular assignment and check detailed results of your students in different overviews...

1 How to attach follow up questions to homework (e.g. the ABCD question)
...the "Attach files or type questions" option located below the name of the homework ... Choose from several types of questions, e...

1 How to hide messages that have already been dealt with?
...the mouse over the message, four icons appear ... The message will be then hidden from the list of messages ... including the "done" messages, click on the "Show done" button...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection in the mobile application
...different purposes (e ... Parents will receive notification about new cash collection and they can send money to the school by student ... Parent has information what, how much and until when to pay and sends money to school...

(mobile application, cash collection, collection, excursion, cinema, photo shooting)

1 How to attach a comment to the grade?
... Simply separate the comment from the grade with a space...

1 How to display/not display grades on the report card to students and parents?
...the grades on the report card will be displayed to logged-in students and parents ... You can set this in the Pedagogical documentation - Certificates / transcripts section ... You can find the current status of how many grades are published at your school here:...

1 How to award extra points/grades for the students' activity during the interactive lesson (link with Gradebook)
...the Results/Blackboard tab ... Create an event in Gradebook directly from the indicated location and award the students extra points for their activity...

1 How can the class teacher view the notices awarded to students in their class?
...the class teacher does not teach his class, he / she can see the notes / praise through the advanced mode ... In the "Grades" tab, switch the view from "Grades' to "Notices/Letters"...

1 Card of student - Health
...the Health tab are different for different countries...

1 How to add a guest in payments module
... You can add one guest or more guests by pressing the button +Add or import the list of guests from Excel...

(guest, guest account, payments module)

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
...the report, make sure you have all the necessary data filled in ... School Name: How to change the school logo and school name ... Import ... Absent days The data about absences is taken automatically from the class register for the given period...

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
... the students can test themselves at any time - at school, at home, on the bus, from what they have learned at the lesson...

1 Moving data to a new school year
... Near the end of the school year or during holidays you should transfer students to a new school year ... Select 'Classes', and in 'Tools' click on 'Import to new school year': In a new dialogue box ... you will see a list of your classes from the last school year...

1 How to comment on a student's uploaded photo of their work
...the students to submit the photo of their work ... You can set the color and the size ... For how to change or erase your comments see: Once you finish commenting ... from one picture to the other...

1 How to block a user/messages from a specific user in case of account abuse?
...the account of one of the users has been misused - e ... If you want to disable the user from logging in for a certain time (until the case is resolved) ... Here you can see for how long the user is blocked, i ... After the blocking is set, a blocking icon will appear next to the user...

1 How to setup rights on website sections?
... Teachers can have either partial rights to create teacher pages, edit subject page, publish schedule and substitution from the aSc Timetables on the EduPag school page, adding News, adding new photos to the school gallery, etc...

1 Teacher - How to add student’s activity in class?
...the Teacher's Notebook, select Activity in Class from the dropdown menu...

1 How to print a student's report: Singapore
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... you are to set up your Grade book ... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent ... Hence it is not important how many assignments of what type you key in...

1 Payments module
...the Payments module be found? ... The school sets ... import from excel or import from bank statement ... please read how to correctly move payment plans and other payment data...

(payments, fees, payment plan, ID numbers, import of bank statement, automatic assignment)

1 How to generate login data for students, who do not have an e-mail address
... the administrator can create an EduPage account for the student in aScAgenda Online ... Select "Create account" from the list of possible changes ... The log in names and passwords to students' accounts can be printed via the Setup wizard on the main page:...

1 How to print QR codes for added books?
...the "Print QR codes" tab ... The print format is set to sheet labels H01 (38x212mm) ... The printed codes will disappear from the printable list...

1 Synchronizing preparations in similar plans
...different courses (e ... The synchronization is based on identical title of topic in different teaching plans...

1 How to access data from previous school years?
The data from previous years is archived in EduPage ... You can access it by choosing a different school year: In Agenda Online ... you can choose a different school year in settings:...

1 How can a class teacher view and input grades to students in their class?
... The administrator can set two modes of rights / the strict mode or the unrestricted mode...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
...the electronic class register ... Set up an EduPage webpage ... How to publish the timetable to parents/students? ... Groups in joint classes have different names ... it is important...

1 Where to find the results of a survey
...the left menu ... The results are displayed in three different tables/charts...

1 How can I remove the substitution?
... which were manually created in the substitution or lessons you move ... The only way how ... The only way how to remove the substitution is to remove the original missing teacher from...

1 How to assign homework to students in the mobile application
...the red + sign and select Homework...

1 How to change the account for creating online lessons
... The meetings are then created via that account ... In case of the Zoom service, it is necessary to log out of the account in the browser before switching to a different service...

1 How to plan a test/exam
...the top left corner ... Small squares of different colors indicate tests, exams, projects and home works...

1 How to input an absence note
...the class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes, you can input an absence note by clicking the red + sign ... Type in the reason of absence and the respective time period of your child's absence from the lessons...

1 How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
...the Online substitution you can manually change timetable to another day/week/term ... Then you can set exact timetable of which day/week/term should be used for your selected day ... If you select also "shift also following days" the software will adjust also the following days until the end of the school year...

1 External boarder / guest in the canteen - how to create an account
...In the ... Here you can add more guests or import the list from Excel ... Payer type - set portion and price ... Boarder's Card - when and how will the guest dine...

(External boarder, guest)

1 How to launch a presentation from smartphone or a computer unconnected to the projector
...the projector...

1 How to add teaching materials from My library to the teaching standards
...the "My Library" section you can find materials you have used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc ... From now on...

1 How to enter Interruption of study
...the card of student, in the "Study" tab ... Click on "Edit" next to the Interruption of study field: you can set the time period for study interruption ...

1 How to insert a new teaching material to the topic of the plan
...the topic of your plan and press the red + button to create new teaching material/new card...

1 How to create a new type of student absence?
... Sometimes it is necessary to expand the list of different absence types, e ... The administrator can set a new type of absence in "Agenda online": Code list / Absence type (student)...

1 How to put a link to the uploaded file into the text?
...the text editor you can press Insert item ... Then your visitors can download this file from your EduPage:...

1 How to send a reminder manually?
...set a loan period for lending books, you can send a reminder to the reader after it expires...

1 Online lessons in Planning
...from planned exams, tests, HW or projects the Notifications/Planning tab includes online lessons...


1 Student home preparation for a test
...the students ... It can either be the topics from their plan or standards ... The system selects different set of questions for the test...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
...Click the "Results" tab in the top menu ... Select the relevant material from the list in the left column ... setting ... However ... different overview than the initial assignment...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
...- select another topic from the plan simply by clicking on it ... - if you don't want to select a different topic from your plan...

1 Versions of printed tests
...the teacher prepares the test for students to elaborate on paper ... If you create the test with the questions from ... Each student receives different set of questions...

1 How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
...the administrator switches the school's EduPage to new school year ... from the previous school year ... Creating courses - two different situations:...

1 ABCD question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... To mark the correct answer, set the mouse over the correct option and there appears "Correct answer" button...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
...the topic of your question from the teaching plan on the left ... Germany and germany are two different options...

1 How to create an absence note for a specific subject
...from the lessons in a specific subject or the subject is optional for the student ... Set the absence note only for the specific subject: An absence note is created...

1 Student experienced power cut/computer breakdown during online test
...the test was restricted to 1 attempt and limited duration (online exam) ... The countdown is running from first opening of the test without intermission ... they can shift to a different device and continue ... the student will not be able to finish the test in the set time limit...

1 Teachers in students' groups alternate. How to create a course?
...different situations can arise: a) The students take expert training with three different masters ... How to create the courses in a correct way?...

1 Changing the classroom
...different classroom from the one you normally teach...

1 A simple way to create a different test for each student and eliminate cheating in online tests
...different test variants for students in EduPage ... Tick several of these groups and click on the "Add to material" button ... You can set the number of points for a question in this group ... If a question For example if one question is selected from...

1 What is a group of questions and what is it good for?
... Test variants usually contain the same types of questions, but they are slightly modified, with different numbers etc ... If you create such groups of questions and create a test from them, the system randomly choose one question from each group...

1 Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
...the EduPage, the class teacher can see a message that an excuse note has come from the parent...

1 Results of tests with question groups
... In tests without question groups the correct answers in a column are always the same - Results/Answers ... As a question could have different modifications, the correct answers in a column will vary too ... All questions including all possible modifications from the test can be found in the Cards tab...

1 Students and parents - How to register for an action
...the administrator prepares a registration for an action via EduPage ... Press Confirm in the set time limit ... Important for actions with limited number of participants...

1 How to remove a found item from the list of items found
...from the list of found items by the person, who initially entered the item in the list...

1 How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
...from the plan at once, click "Select multiple / extra text"...

1 How can I write text to the topic selected from a plan?
...the top right corner ... Select a topic from the plan...

1 How to display only students from one group in the class register
... create a course and select the relevant students ... Go to course settings ... Tick the relevant students and click the "Name of a group from timetable...

1 Administrator/teacher - switching between teacher's and administrator's accounts
...the teachers is also the EduPage administrator ... If you use both teacher's and administrator's accounts you don't have to log out from one account and then log in to the other account...

1 How to print notices students from my class?
...the notices of students from your class as follows: Select grades in the top menu...

1 Case 4 - Registration for elective courses
... The ... The students can select 2 or 3 different elective courses from the specific subjects ... Save your settings...

1 Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register
... A teacher who is absent and isn't going to teach the lesson ... A teacher who is absent and isn't going to teach the lesson, can select a topic from their plan for the cover teacher via "Instructions to substituting teacher" in the class register: ...

1 Administration of electronic absence notes by teacher with the right for attendance
...the right to the Attendance module either to other teacher or to the assistent ... The teacher/assistent with the right to student's attendance can also manage electronic excuse notes from parents, i...

1 Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
...important to select the students who attend the course ... You can copy student group of another course in this class from the current or previous school years...

1 Internet connection was dropped during an online test. What about the students' results?
...the online test results of any of your students have not been saved because of interrupted internet connection or power shortage, there is a solution ... The test results of a particular student can be restored as follows: Results can only be restored from the computer, which the student used to do the test (partial results are saved locally during the test)...

1 How to group questions directly in the test
... The system will generate "a little different" test for each student ... It will randomly select questions from the group of questions...

1 How can the class teacher input absence notes?
...the time the class teacher spends on students' attendance ... In case you still have to excuse the student from the lessons based on a paper absence note from parents...

1 Extended options of the "type in" question card
...the "type in" question ... Use the first setting option to set the width of the "type in" field ... important not to accept such answers as correct ... different answers ... In [Antarctica] and [antarctica] however ... please select from the other options offered...

1 I have found an item. How do I enter it in the list of found items?
... On the main screen in the EduPage mobile application select the "red +" ... From the options offered select the "Lost and found: New found item" option...

1 Case 5 - Registration to elective courses - a more complex situation
...The students can select 2 or 3 elective courses from the specified courses ... The students can select 2 or 3 elective courses from the specified courses ... Use the Rules to set...

1 How do I access test results from previous school years?
...the school year in the bottom left corner in the Results tab ... The courses from that school year will display...

1 How to change the title Award Certificate to a different title
...the "Customizable title" option in the templates overview...

1 How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
...from your plan, there is a number displayed in the upper part of the dialog ... If you set your mouse over the number, more details will be displayed...

1 Administrator - How to create a course for school club
... The ... It is important ... It is important to select "school club" from the subjects options ... they can be selected in a different way too ... a question arises of how many courses to create for the school club...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
...the mobile app ... Tap on the Select from the plan and select the topic from the list...

1 Seating in classroom
...the top menu after selecting the respective course from the "My course" options...

1 How to transfer grade from the online test to gradebook
...the Results tab you can transfer grades into gradebook by pressing the settings wheel ... If you need to input a result to an existing assignment, select it from the list of events...

1 How to excuse students' absences due to school representation automatically
... A "representation" type of absence note will be created for the participating students ... The type of absence is either set on representation (if the link between event and absence type is set in the system) or set this type yourself...

1 How to input that we continue the same topic as in the previous lesson
...the same topic as in the previous lesson ... select Copy curriculum from previous lesson: That way you select the same topic from your plan as you did in the previous lesson...

1 Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan
...the ... Two different scenarios can occur: 1 ... from the plan for the cover teacher to teach ... However...

1 How to check if the right students have been selected the in course settings
...the mouse over the tile of the course and open the course settings ... a) If all students from the class attend this course...

1 How to inform absent students about the content of the lesson they missed
...the topic being taught with notes...

1 How to change the type of absence from excused to unexcused and vice versa?
...the student: If they are mistaken in the type of absence, they can change it at any time...

1 What do I gain by creating groups of similar questions?
...the teacher: 1 ... The system will randomly pick one or more questions from the group to add to the test ... Thus, each student can have a different test, but the tests will still contain the same type of questions...

1 Alerts of omitted records of the taught curriculum in the class register
...the class register provides the teacher with up to date information about omitted curriculum records ... The administrator can set: The teacher receives a notification about the date of omitted curriculum record...

1 Teacher - How to prepare a plan for a school club
...the top left corner of your EduPage ... Input different acitivity sections as titles of chapters in the teaching plan ... When recording activities to class register you can select several activities from the teaching plan at once...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
...the course ... however ... however it is a divided lesson and it is important ... from the timetable ... Follow the instructions: If you experience a different problem...

1 How can a class teacher access an overview of grades from all subjects in their class?
...the class teachers a right to access information about grades from all subjects in their class...

1 Student switches students' group in the course of the school year
...the course of the school year ... Go to course settings ... In this case student Adam Krupa switched to this students' group from the 1st October...

1 How to print list of students
...the "Students" tab and click the Settings icon ... Select from the two types of lists available...

1 Consultation hours
...set up a meeting between the teacher and the parent...

1 Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
... Only a parent from a parental account may enter electronic excuse notes ... There is no such function in the student's account...

1 How to enter variants of the correct answer on 'Type in' question card
...the correct answer, e ... Type the different correct answers in square brackets and use semicolon to separate them...


1 Can I set the number of lessons per day?
... You can set ... You can set the ... Select the number from the list ... - maximum supported value per day in the software is 31 ... If your lessons are different lengths...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
...the timetable direct from aSc TimeTables ... So its is possible to for example add a different timetable just for one exam week ... In next step you can import all data from timetable into your EduPage ... Notes: - this is how you can upload the timetable:...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
... Open your excel file and select the data ... If you keep the column names, the software can recognize the columns automatically ... Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard ... different column names...

1 Configure name format (First name / Last name)
...from aSc Timetables ... To fix this, you have to configure format of the names in aSc Timetables ... software - User interface - Database - Name format ... Usually you will want to set format from: ... Note: The same setting applies also to import...

1 How can I set the width of the lines?
... Then click on the icon Colors ... One for main lines between days and one width for less important lines usually dividing the periods during each day...

1 What if 2 specific subjects must be taught simultaneously?
...from different classes check this article: ... If they are from the same class: ... the software...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2
...import the students and their seminar choices from program MS Excel ... software hasn't autodetected them correctly...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
...from ... import your data from almost any other program ... These steps will describe how ... Note that the software will create also teachers...

1 Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
... Open your excel file and select the data ... If you keep the column names, the software can recognize the columns automatically ... Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard...

1 How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
...the exact date for change of the week, term or just change the timetable in one day to another day ... In the new dialog you can set the date from the school year...

1 Checking the tutorial in the Offline version
...from the demo dialog or from menu Help/Tutorial: Tutorial consists of several parts ... Once the part is finished you are taken back to the tutorial dialog and you can choose different part...


1 Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
... there is a global setting in menu Options/Customize the software: ... The timetable displayed in the software will show two single lessons...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... You can pick whichever you prefer, the ... importance and additional parameters ... to let you clearly see how ... which was set ... Extended tests were improved The software ... Better support for lessons that are different lengths in different terms...

(new version)

1 Student can have max 3 gaps per day
... First you need to allow discontinout layout so that the software can create the gaps...

1 How to register the software?
...You do not need to register the online version ... Once you see that the software is suitable for your school ... from our webpage ... If you wish to have a different registration name ... However...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th position in each class (solution 2)
...the 6th and 7th period in the time map: ... Do not forget to set "apply to selected subjects in selected classes" ... The software will then check max 1 period of History in each selected class...

1 What’s new in version 2016
...the ... The software ... how to input certain situations ... New wizard that helps with the setup of the new timetable ... We have added new tabs to the initial ... You can move student to different ... so you can use it from...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
...how ... Typical usage of this feature is the following: ... Then the software ... Notes: the above is set for ALL lessons of this subject ... If you need different...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
... If you need two subjects from different classes ... please see: Now: how ... Now: how to make sure two groups start at the same time: Please check this picture ... setup ... So the software...

1 How to assign lessons to classrooms?
... How to assign lessons to classrooms? 1 ... In the ... different gym rooms each time ... If you check more options - the software ... from the selected entries and choose the one ... In this dialog you can also set Classrooms prioritization"...

1 What's new in version 2013
...the support and interest we receive ... from our main download page ... Improved generation speed The software ... You can exactly specify how ... Simplified Import from Excel/Clipboard ... For some constraints you can set ... different section between terms...

1 Print different bell times for teachers
...different bell times for different parts of the school ... then the software tries to guess which bells shall be printed for each teacher...

1 Is it possible to have two teachers supervising one room?
... You can define the number of teachers needed for one duty ... Just click on the supervision, from the meanu use Count and select the number ... Maximum 5 teachers can be set for one supervision ... Notes - please note, that you can specify this different counts for each duty...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
... ako sa k "print setup" dostanes ... By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number ... if the actuall period has different start or end then the value in column header...

1 Modifying the time format
...the menu Options -> Customize the software -> Country specific options you can change the time format...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
...the cards into the timetable ... different possibilities ... Once it finds timetable, the button bellow changes from cancel to stop ... software will show the best solution so far...

1 How to add the same lesson with multiple lengths in Timetables online
...different lengths (single, double, ... Different length can be set with "ADD" button and the new row will be created ... Notes: - If you do not know how...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
...software allows you to change the texts in the printed timetable ... This helps in some special cases when you want different texts printed in the timetable then the original one...

1 Am I using the latest version of the software?
...the latest version of the software use menu Help - Check for new version on the Internet...

1 Advisor - Different number of lessons for groups
... but many times it is a mistake in data input and the advisor tries to warn you about this ... It shows how many lessons each group has: ... Please remember that the software ... from the same line onto the same period...

1 Subject - Constraints
...set some basic constraints ... In dialog "Subjects", select the subject and click on the button "Constrains" ... See: D: Lessons from this subject can be over lunch free periods set in class's details ... See: E: Specify, how will be the length of the lessons counts to teachers contract...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...the Import function ... different ... from all - this is very important ... subjects are named the same in both files the software will automatically link these...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
...the ... from ... Dates In the second step set ... At first select in two checkboxes, if you wish to import a new data with periods and bells from the timetable ... - Specify the users rights for displaying different types of the new timetable...

1 How to change/reset structure of the printed layouts in TT online?
...the printed reports in the menu Options - Tools - Reports ... From the new dialog select the report and click Modify structure ... Then you can either edit the structure by select required information for printing or set default structure...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
... This of course may be legitimate request and the software can cope with this ... However many times if you block different teacher on different days ... By default the software is setup to put one lesson on each day...

1 Working with days in the main view
... the software shows all the days on the main screen, usually from Monday to Friday...

1 Do not print some breaks or periods in some classes (or teachers or in summary timetables)
... If you for example have a different breaks in grades 5 ... 8 you can add two breaks and set two sets of bells ... At first - please, see this article how to define different bells for groups of classes: ... Then for the...

1 Generate room supervision
... which we developed directly in the software ... Choose "Generate" from the popup menu ... In the new window you can set...

1 Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
...different rows in class contracts from the same subject ... then the software...

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
... you wish to swap second period in Monday with fifth period in Tuesday you can do so in the menu Options - Advanced and type following in Advanced field: !swapdpd 1 2 1 2 5 press OK...

1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
... Use the right mouse button on the desired card: 3 ... This allows you to use different layout/fontsizes for double lessons and different for single lessons ... On the other hand, if you want the same settings on every type of cards, you can use Set for more button...

(font size, print,)

1 Students from the entire grade are divided into groups
...from ... the same grade are often divided into groups according their level in particular subject (e ... Obviously each group is taught by the different teacher and is placed in the different classroom...

1 Class XY contains a window
...software calculates when the class MUST have lessons and when it CAN have lessons...

1 How to apply constraints to whole grades
... that all "Music" lessons from each grade must be placed on the same day in the week ... - set maximum to "1" - it means max day per week ... - apply globally - because you want the software ... if each grade has different number of music lessons per week...

1 Additional data synchronisation
...the school year ... the software ... the software offers you to import ... the software offers you to import the data from...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
...the software tries to create a timetable for each class that starts with 1st lesson ... So it's lessons do not have to be from 1st period, they can be at any time during the day...

1 Print date or remark bellow timetable
...the software prints date of last change in the bottom left corner of the timetable ... You can change it in Global settings:...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How to join two groups from same division in one class
... You can join two (or more) groups in one class only if they are from the same division ... See picture below: Note: - it is not possible to join groups from two different divisions in one class...

1 5A has to have Biology right before or after biology in 5B (the two classes have to have biology lesson on consecutive periods)
...from certain group ... However ... However the ... So if Biology is on different ... software doesn't consider this as a gap...

1 Student choices - Importance
...the "importance" of this request ... During the generation the software ... You can set the importance for each individual request by right click:...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
...the ... What you need to do is to show the days combobox see above and then pick Days merged: ... Note: you still can have some lessons that are on different positions each day ... the software will simply put two entries into to appropriate column...

1 How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
... we will try to explain the best way to create basic electives = Options ... It means, the students (from a class, or from ... set of more subjects ... Important in this case is ... then it is different ... the software...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
...the most important item for the generation ... set in the software ... So if you specify that boys from ... This number means how ... different positions 11...

1 How to change the language in the program
... You will be asked to restart the program after you change the language, please do so...


1 How can I monitor the progress of the cloud generator
... You can come back at any time to check the results ... You can see the number of pending cards and how many constraints of each importance the software has relaxed...

1 How can I monitor the cloud generator in the mobile application?
...the progress of the cloud generator in the mobile application ... Download the mobile application from www...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... Test shows us what it was able to achieve and also gives us the card it was not able to put into the timetable ... Once we moved the Ge lesson to 1st lesson, the software ... from the start...

1 Blocked part of the day
...the day to any number of objects in the timetable ... so the software reports this as a warning ... In the default setting ... However ... Once you generate initial timetable you can try to please other teachers...

1 There can be two math lessons on one day, but they need to be placed consecutivelly
... In this case you can tell the software to place these consecutivelly: Add a new cardrelationships and select entries marked by red color: The green color is optional...

1 Checking room capacity
...Then for each class(entire class) or for each group of students you can specify how many students are in it: ... The software ... The software then check this capacity during the generation and it also can warn you if you manually put bigger class into smaller room:...

1 How can I choose which student is in which group?
...Select class on the right side ... - Information from this window is used also in Electronic Class Register ... - You can not combine groups from different divisions on the same place in the timetable...

1 Optimizing the room usage for students
...The software ... the usage of the rooms ... depending on what is important to you: 1 ... here is how to minimize the usage: 3 ... from the list of available rooms for certain lesson...

1 We have different bells on some days.
...different timing (start-end) on some days ... In menu Main/School you can find a dialog for changing the bell times...

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
...If this value is set to 6 then your teachers cannot teach from the 1st to 7th period in a row...

1 Periods of varying lengths + subjects in minutes per week (Canada)
...the software ... Then you will be able for each lesson to specify how many minutes per week that lesson shall have:...

1 What's new in version 2015
...from you ... It is important for us to make the software better ... different terms...

1 What's new in version 2008
... So here is the list of this year's additions: 1 ... from different countries ... show the list of subjects ... Imports and exports The software...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
...Type the name of the timetable ... Then the software exports the timetable and opens your webpage ... classrooms etc from ... This is how the public can now see your timetable...

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
...the ... It also shows how ... It also shows how many cards the software was unable to put into the timetable ... different ... What can you learn from this graph? If the green vertical bar is near the top...

1 How can I edit the timetable saved online
...from PC version of aSc Timetables software) in Timetables online administration ... Select the timetable file and click "Open" button...

1 Related timetables
...the function "related timetables" in menu View - Related timetables ... It is possible to take the card to your hand also from the related timetables ... You can set the maximum number of related timetable row in menu View/Related timetables...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
...the ... So instead of groups from divisions ... So instead of groups from divisions, it is important ... software alongside with students names ... This is different against ordinary lessons...

1 Multi term timetables
... Moreover, you can say the lesson has to be in T1 and T2 or on T1 OR T2 or T4 ... Use the button Edit if you want different names for terms ... If you have 4 terms, the software ... How can I specify lesson is only on odd/week A?...

1 Starting the software
...the installation of aSc TimeTables, you can find its icon on your desktop and also in Start-Program menu ... We suggest you check the Tutorial first as it shows you the basics of the software and you can quickly get info on what the software can do and where to find it...

1 Demo files
...how to start to build your own timetable ... All demos are the timetables from real schools...


1 How can I copy lessons
... Select the lessons you want to copy ... The software asks you to which classes you want to copy the selected lessons...

1 Verification of timetable
...the created timetable ... You can run verification from the main menu via button Verification ... Settings or Help...

1 Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
...the new timetable with more weeks, the system automatically takes the first week as the beginning of the cycle ... You can set it during the publishing process in the second step - Dates (validity settings)...

1 Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
...Basically it says you want 0 periods of biology in 5A on the marked days ... Notes: - this approach is better then locking, because there are 7 different positions the Bio can end up on Friday ... - you could have created a new subject called "BioFriday" and set the time-off, but this approach is cleaner, no fake subjects...


1 How to enter mass evaluation of HW check (OK/Not done/In progress) in the application?
...the mobile application ... Click on the student to set the elaboration status to "OK" ... To set a different state, hold your finger on the student name and select form the list of possible states...

1 How to remove a user from the mobile application
...the icon in the top left corner and select the "Logout / add user" option ... Another way to remove a user is in the Settings / Manage accounts ... it is not possible to remove only one of the children from the application...

1 Test results - my answers are shuffled
...the teacher assigns the test to the students ... This means that each student will receive a different order of questions and differernt order of answer options in a question ... It may differ from the student's randomized order in the test...

1 How to log in to EduPage as parent with one or several children
...the e-mail address you provided to your school ... The system will send a password set up link to this e-mail address ... you can request it from the system at all times ... Notes: - If you have provided different schools with different e-mail addresses...

1 Where do I find teacher's materials from previous years?
...from previous years in the 'Curriculum' section:...


1 Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done
...the homework, they should flag it as Done ... The completed task will not be deleted, it will only be hidden from the list ... click the 3 dots in the upper right corner and check "Show done" box...

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
...the "Results" tile and select the relevant assignment...

1 Student - How to log in to EduPage mobile application
...from their school...

Input the data - Substitutions / cover

1 Subject details
... For example your classis divided into English and German and the German teacher is ill, then the English teacher can join the whole class and teach them English ... But for physical education you cannot join boys and girls, because each group does different activities...

1 Defining reasons for absence
...the particular “Reason for absence ... ” They can be defined in menu Settings - Reasons for absence...

1 Defining types of substitutions
...the similar way as Reason of absence ... You can define new type in menu Settings - Types of substitution" and fill the name, short and comments...

1 Approbation
...the approbations directly in aSc Substitutions Online ... Just go to menu Settings - Approbation and use a button Add: ... Choose one or more subjects from the list of subjects: Add the teachers: If you need, you can also specify the grades or year...

1 Copy duties
... which have been already set in online substitution for previous timetable ... There you can choose your targeted timetable (into which you wish to copy these duties)...

1 Events in substitution
... Program then open window "New absent" with all missing teachers and classes already selected...

1 Events in substitution
Insert text here ....

Sharing the timetable - TimeTables

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
...Timetables online is web-based extension of the timetabling application ... No installation & maintenance aSc Timetables online is online application accessible from any internet browser...

1 Share timetable
... Edupage offers you several possibilities how you can share your timetable with your colleagues, students and parents...

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
... All you need to do is to go to menu: Main/Timetables online: UserName/name of your webpage First you can choose the name of your web page ... You can use the username/password to log into it either from web address http://username...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
...Alternative you can reach the ... Alternative you can reach the same function from menu "Main - Save - Save to TimeTable Online": ... If you want to save the file under different name ... ", a web browser will appear that will show all your timetables in the Online storage...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
... Use name of your edupage as "Username" and input admin's password, or you can use password to teacher's account, who has the rights to publishing the timetable ... You can use menu item TimeTables online and select "Open from TimeTables Online" Alternatively...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
...the timetable to your teachers and colleagues ... Here is how you can do it: Press button "Send" Once it is uploaded ... Add teachers If it is necessary, the software might ask you to create accounts for new teachers...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
...the public can see only timetable of individual classes and summary timetable of all classes ... If you do not want to show any timetable for public, leave all fields unchecked...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
...from regular timetable file valid for actual day ... In most cases this is OK, but if your timetable changes in the middle of the week, it may be misleading ... It is possible to configure timetable viewer to show timetable for current week ... Settings - Show timetable for current week: After you turn this on...

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
... the system will ask you, if you wish to save these changes on edupage before closing ... that the timetable will be changed for the entire period already set in the "validity" column - so backwards also and it will affect class register, contracts, attendance, etc...

Testing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Why to test the timetable?
... it needs to pass the basic test ... Finding these mistakes is very important ... Do it every time after some relevant change (change the lessons settings, adding a new or editing already created constraint or relation,...

1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... see this article: When the test fails ... CHECK and FIX this problem - program will show ... You can check why the software was unable to put this card in...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
... Then right-click on some selected row header and choose Test...

1 Generate draft timetable
... This is very usefull, because it makes no sense to generate complete timetable with all the inputted constraints if there is some basic problem in the input...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
...the timetable ... The software will now try to place all the cards into your timetable that match the Filter options selected in the first step...

1 Testing card relationships
...You can do this by right clicking in the upper left corner of the timetable, then choosing "Test - Card relationships" and choose one of the relationships ... This will generate all cards from that relationship, which can help you understand whether the card relationship does what you want or if there is some problem with it...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
...the ... how to read the data ... After a minute the software shows the same timetable in different colors:...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
...the full generation still fails ... For example on this picture, the software ... You can even use button "Show me" ... subset and with only the constraints involved...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
Insert text here ....

Start with the payment module - Payments

1 Quick start with payment module
... There is need to set up all bank accounts for cashless payments - e ... Second step is to define Payment plans - what, how much and until when to pay...

1 Payments module
Insert text here ....

Substitution in the mobile app - Substitutions / cover

1 Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
...from your mobile application ... Because it is not possible to login into the mobile application as an EduPage administrator, your admin will have to give you user's rights for administration of the substitutions...

1 How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
... but you do not wish to give them the full access, you can allow them access only into this module...

1 How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
... who have the user's rights to make daily substitution given by administrator, will see the special icon "Substitution - administration" after they login into app...

1 How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
... Slide the calendar to sides for "previous-next weeks...

1 How can I edit or remove missing teacher in mobile app
...the record for one second...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
...the list ... Program will show ... Program will show you list of all teachers ordered from the most suitable according criterias (displayed under the list) ... Confirm the set substitution by "OK"...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
... Select the day first, then list of substituted lessons (no problem, if there is none) and advanced option icon...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
... how many unsolved lessons are still in your daily substitution...

Changes during the school year - Boarders

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
...a) Order presets lunch set the last day of dining e ... align the period for the payer type with the period for orders (it's important that the period for the payer type is not shorter than for the orders)...

1 End of study or employment
Insert text here ....

Input/import of data - Basic school data

1 Card of student - Study
...the end of study can be input in the student card in the Study tab:...

1 How can I upload photos of students and teachers to Edupage
... Prepare photos on the disc of your computer ... System will automatically crop/resize picture to square format (128x128) and set it to selected student/teacher...

1 How to input new headmaster/principal
...the headmaster changed during the current school year, the change can be input to Agenda Online by the administrator...

1 How to create a drop-down list of dormitories?
... you can create a drop-down list of dormitories and allocate the students accordingly...

1 Displaying date format in Buddhist Era
... When data editing is needed a school administrator changes CE date format and the BE date is calculated automatically ... When importing ... When importing data from...

1 A fast way to switch between school years
... the school year switch can be found in the "Settings - school year" menu: There is also a faster way to switch between school years...

How to create new material? - Preparations

1 Creating new materials
Set on the topic of your plan and press red + ... How to create a new material: ...

1 What is a card?
...the basic unit of preparations in EduPage...

1 How to attach file to my preparations
...the topic from your plan...

1 How to adjust image size in a question or presentation card
...the card, you can adjust its size ... Image settings display on the right hand side...

1 How to enter picture into question
...You can insert the image in the tab below or to the right of the existing content ... You can either search for the image directly on the internet, or upload it from your computer...

1 How do I add audio file to my preparations
...the topic, to which you want to add an audio file...

1 How to send to students a sound file that can be downloaded
...the card, the predefined play mode is indicated: In the Sound settings you can select a play mode "multiple times with time seek"...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
... Upload your file from your computer to the cloud, switch on sharing and send the link to the students...

1 How to make material invisible for students?
...the material you want to make invisible for students...

1 How to insert internet link to a card?
...the topic in your teaching plan ... Select "text card" from the slide options...

1 How to add a video to your preparations
... How to upload a video to Youtube 2 ... Usually it takes some time to process the uploaded video...

1 How to make a copy of a card (your, school or global card)
...the card you want to copy...

1 How to enter mathematical symbols in questions?
... Instructions for use of LaTeX can be found on the Internet ... If you need to use the dollar sign in different situation e...

1 How to copy question?
...the question, so that yellow frame around it is highlighted...

1 How to input chemical compounds
... The "mchem" part of this instrument is for writing chemical formulas...

1 How to insert more than one image
...the card via the black + sign...

1 How to restore data lost during creating a new card
... the data can be restored...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
... importing them to EduPage is easy ... The system creates 5 different questions...

How to organize teaching materials in EduPage - Preparations

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
...the beginning of the year, create a teaching plan in EduPage also ... You simply choose the next topic from the plan ... When you select the curriculum from the plan, you can see how many preparations you have in the plan and you can use them right away...

1 How to organize teaching preparations in EduPage
... to the relevant topic in the plan ... How to add a material to preparations? ...

1 How to access preparations in class register?
...from a teaching plan in a class register ... you can see how many preparations you have to selected topic ... Clicking on it EduPage shows you all preparations to the topic...

1 Quick way to your plan and preparations via timetable
... the system will set you up in the course plan and preparations...

1 Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?
...from a plan, you can see all the preparations that you have available for the selected topic...

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
... in the 'My library' section ... There are all materials, from previous years included...

1 Categorizing teaching materials from My library to a plan by drag-and-drop
...the "Not assigned to any plan" button...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
... Other preparations that were not attached to any topic in a plan can be found in the My library / Not assigned to any plan tab ... Materials can be created from cards...

1 How to add material to preparations or to preparations of another course
...the preparation of another course - for example ... Labels Select "Usage in another topics/courses" Select the course and the topic from the plan...

1 Marking materials as "Basic curriculum" or "Advanced curriculum"
...the basic curriculum and those that are beyond the basic curriculum - for example, exercises for clever pupils...

1 How to copy preparations from another teaching plan
...the materials located either in your Plans or in My library to copy them...

1 How can one plan be shared and used by multiple teachers? (Team teaching)
...the same course throughout the school year ... In "Plan settings", you can select multiple teachers to teach this course...

1 How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic
... The cards that have been categorized to individual topics will display when you click on a specific topic in the plan...