
1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
... Go to Print - Print preview ... also in individual timetables ... You can also specify the font ... You can also specify the font sizes ... want to print...

(font size, print,)

1 I want to print summary timetable of teachers with teachers' colors
...timetable of teachers is printed using colors of classes ... Then you can select which color you want to use...

1 How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
...print ... timetables for the teachers or classrooms ... you can select if you want ... also reports "wallpapers") ... size, possition and font type...

1 How to print only certain classes or teachers?
...want to see in the printouts ... For example, here we will print a summary timetable only for 3 teachers and only for Monday...

1 Custom views
...timetable into smaller and more easy readable parts ... teachers you want to see in this view ... You can also ... Note: you can also print the custom view...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... or summary timetable for classes ... there might be situations where you need bigger changes ... If you want ... you can print ... teachers...

1 Customizing printouts
...printouts ... Customizing the timetable is done in printpreview ... want to change: ... You can also use left mouse button to resize parts of timetable...

1 Printing individual student's timetables
...print the timetable for each student ... If you have also lessons inputted for groups ... you obviously do not need to do the above (unless you mixed in also some group based lessons)...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
...timetable for public online viewing" ... the system will check the names ... the system will check the names of your teachers ... you will need ... Your students and teachers can see also their timetable in mobile application...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
...timetable to your teachers and colleagues ... At first you need ... You can select the teachers you want to send this timetable ... also add some comments for them...

1 How can we display full names of teachers and students in timetables for public?
...names of teachers and students) can be displayed in published timetable in this way: ...

1 Can I load a custom printout settings from another timetable?
...Note that this only applies to timetable printout settings...

1 I want to print also classroom/teacher/subject for each lesson
...print preview ... You can check if you want to print subject ... classroom and for each object you can also specify position of each element...

1 Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
... then you simply need to modify the time-off of the classes: ... If you want ... timetable and has to be advised individually ... The teachers ... See also:...

1 How to print in color and define colors in printouts
...Print preview click on the icon Colors ... teachers ... timetable and breaks ... g you want ... need to switch building...

1 Print the color only in the left part of the cell
...want ... print ... timetable in full color you can print the color of teacher only in the left part of each lesson:...

1 How to print timetables with school's logo
...print also school's logo on every printed timetable...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
...printout ... you can also drag the FIRST line that divides the first row or column ... For example, summary timetable of teachers is fit to width...

1 Print legends below timetables
...timetable you can print legend that shows list of subjects ... teachers ... resize it ... You can also add other legends(teachers...

1 We have teacher who teaches only 2 days per week and it doesn't matter which
...Teachers - select the teacher - Constraints ... It may happen that all external teachers want to teach on Tuesday and Thursday ... Such timetable criteria with combinations of others might be impossible to meet ... Please see also: ...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
... By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number ... right click on them in the print preview and select that you want to print the bells on cards: Then ... in teacher's timetable ... See also:...

1 What’s new in version 2017
...want the draft generation to obey ... The constraints for teachers ... also on selections based on teachers ... timetable ... need ... You can now define special screen font ... select special format for how to print...

1 Configure name format (First name / Last name)
... you may sometimes find that first and last names are mismatched ... Usually you will want to set format from: ... [First name] Don't forget to save your timetable after you have configured this ... Note: The same setting applies also to import...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
... This helps in some special cases when you want different texts printed in the timetable then the original one ... See also:...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
... You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable...

1 How can I choose which student is in which group?
... if you want to print individual timetable for each student ... - Information from this window is used also in Electronic Class Register ... If you need this...

1 Advisor - These teachers have to teach in too many classes at the same time
... Then we want to create some free lessons for teachers ... Of course, in real timetable, this is more difficult, as in this example ... It need not be only time-offs ... It need not be only time-offs, but you have to check also other constrains you had created (i...

1 Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
... If you keep the column names ... Notes: - if your timetable already contains teachers ... - if you want to import Terms/Weeks/Days ... you will need to create these prior to import ... See also:...

1 Can I define min/max supervisions for the teachers?
... in case you need ... If you do not want to limit teacher, just leave the fields blank ... but even if you are assigning teachers for supervisions manually ... You can also ... TimeTable - Statistics :...

1 How can I copy division from one class to another classes
...need to join groups from multiple classes into one joined lessons ... we recommend you to use the same names of the groups ... See also:...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
...teachers have a full day blocked ... the timetable may become impossible to generate ... then you want one on each day ... So to solve the above timetable, you will need ... See also:...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
...timetable ... This will fix above mentioned problem, but it is useful also in some other situations: ... or hide teachers full names (see ) - if you have 2 weeks timetable...

1 How can I specify class main teacher?
... Note: - this option is not meant as "all teachers in the class" ... - teachers names will be displayed in the top-right corner of class's timetable ... See also: ...

(class teacher)

1 Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
... that data in your timetable for upcoming school year are mostly the same as they are in the one you actually use ... Then you will not need to create all lists of classes/teachers/subjects ... See also:...

(new year, new timetable)

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
...The number 28 specifies the maxiumum number of teachers that are teaching at one time ... So if you have 30 teachers at your school and you want to make sure there are always 2 free, you put max 28 teachers on one period ... - This solution can generate a timetable...

1 What's new in version 2012
... We are also ... Testing the timetable ... Speed up for bigger schools ... Print preview customization ... - now shows the font sizes on the fly also with number ... so that other teachers...

1 Print teachers' contracts
... adjust to your needs and print from Excel:...

1 Can I rename the days?
...names for the days are - Monday, Tuesday, ... In case of timetable for more than 7 days the default names will be filled with "Day8, Day9, ... " names in this way: See also: ...

1 How to generate timetable with students
...Generate whole timetable this will generate both the positions of course ... And also it will assign the students into the courses ... teachers and you cannot change it ... Of course, you will may need to use the 3rd option in later stages ... want to change the master timetable...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
... where you want to check if your timetable is good inputted and generate-able ... need to use more complex and usually slower generations ... See also: ...

1 Comparing timetables
...timetable files ... It can be useful especially when you make some changes manually and you want to see what you have changed since last save ... Note: Both functions will display just the changes in cards positions and names of subjects/classes/teachers/classrooms...

1 Print date or remark bellow timetable
...prints date of last change in the bottom left corner of the timetable...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 Print different bell times for teachers
... then the software tries to guess which bells shall be printed for each teacher ... Then you can specify for each teacher his/her bells and then these are printed: See also:...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...timetable files for different part of your school - e ... need to merge those two files into one for publishing to Edupage ... - same number and names of weeks and terms in all files ... Classrooms groups - always ADD if classes were added also Lessons - add timetable - add 1...

1 How to add a new subject
...also ... names during the work or in the printed layouts ... You do not need to fill all the fields ... just fill those you understand and really want to use...

1 How can I print timetable for individual students
... With it, you can print one timetable for each student...

1 Export to XML
... Program will export timetable data in default data structure ... Also all ids used in this export are just Random internal IDs ... If you need to export some additional data not present in default export ... This file contains description of data structure in which you want to get data exported from aSc Timetables...

1 How can I print bell times in timetable header?
...print preview and allowing this option "Print time intervals": ... See also:...

1 Printing pictures of subjects
... This feature is very useful for younger children so that they can understand the timetable without reading ... Then you can specify for each class if you want to print subject pictures or not...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
...Print preview and select Edit design: ... Use the red track points to resize the object 3 ... If you press right button over the timetable itself ... So if you only want to change the design for one class only ... See also:...

1 How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
...print preview and in the marked combobox, select your report...

1 Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
...need to specify this kind of constraint ... since most cases are solved by the fact that the teachers have to use the same room or they teach the same group of students ... However if you really have two independent teachers, and you do not want them to teach at the same time...

1 I need subject Math to be on the same position in classes 5.A and 5.B
..." See picture: Notes: 1) For 5C+5D, you will need to specify another card relationship ... 2) If you want this constraint also for English lessons...

1 How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)
...need to define that each teacher can have max 4 consecutive lessons: ... in both cardrelationships you might want to select relevant subjects ... so that for example teachers preparation time and lunch are not counted into the consecutive periods count...

1 Adding more lessons at once
...teachers/classes have the same or similiar lessons ... Select the number of lessons that you want ... Next time you just need ... Also you can select several lessons in the Lessons dialog ... timetable:...

1 What's new in version 2014
...timetable input ... teachers together ... Also this feature not only finds sets of classes/rooms ... so when you download timetable you no longer need internet connection to view it ... you can decide which one you want to use...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
...timetable of individual classes and summary timetable of all classes ... Only teachers ... However this can by fully modified by you to your school needs ... If you do not want to show any timetable for public, leave all fields unchecked...

1 What’s new in version 2018
...timetable from your browser ... No need to install anything ... If you want ... font ... size as you have defined in aSc TimeTables ... Users can view the timetable, print ... We have added also...

1 Custom fields
... classroom or subject for the whole timetable ... For example: if you need to input and print for each teacher his or her school position ... See also:...

1 I want to change the header above printed timetable
...Print Preview, then click icon General Settints...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
...The system will give you two more options for saving your timetable and your choice depends on the changes you did ... It also means ... If this is your intend, then you don't need to do nothing further ... if made changes refer to specific date ("From") or you want...

(changes, save timetable, overwrite published )

1 Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms
... However if you want them to be on the same time in each week ... because teachers might swap kids ... If the lessons are not at the same time, they will need more periods, thus the generator has to put them together ... you need to specify max 1 period per all weeks See also:...

1 Quick modification of the onscreen view
...timetable in this way: You can specify the texts and colors, which will be used on cards ... you can see the timetable with colors defined by the classroom and you can also specify different text on cards ... If you want to keep your new settings...

1 Export to Smartschool
...timetable from Edupage - Timetables Online to Smartschool ... This export will also include optional changes from Substitutions module ... You can choose date range for which you want to export data ... If you want to export partititions, your group names...


1 Verify just one class/teachers/subject
...want ... teachers ... timetable you can right click on its/his row headers and select "Verification"...

1 How can I copy lessons
... Select the lessons you want to copy ... Note 1: if you are copying lessons without class, then the software asks you for teachers to which you the selected lessons will be copied ... Here you can change more then just class before the lessons are added back into the timetable...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
... or you need some help with your timetable you are actually working on ... - best way is to use precise names of teachers, subjects, classes, ...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
... If you keep the column names, the software can recognize the columns automatically ... Open timetables and open your timetable file or create a new one ... - you can click on column headers in case your excel has different column names See also:...

1 Number of students in class and groups
...You can also specify the size of each group if you are using the groups:...

1 Starting the generation
...TimeTable - Generate new the following dialog will appear: If you have not yet tested the timetable ... You can also change the generation parameters...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The biggest change in this year’s release is the new timetable generator: ... The teachers can now input grades/curriculum into electronic class register ... This feature is ideal if you need ... New printout options You can remove some lines or print the color in little triangle etc...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
... teachers daily plans, publishing substitution information and more ... The application is hosted on aSc Servers, you don't need to install anything or maintain your own server ... Once your timetable is created...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
...timetable - let's say 7 days - then after publishing such timetable ... However, if you need to keep the weekends free - so it means ... See the following picture: See also: ...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
...You can export your published timetable to Smartschool ... Even without entering into print preview ... See: Full names in public timetables...

1 Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
!!!ATTENTION!!! Use this solution only in case, you are not using ASC Substitution online feature, which we strongly recommend to you - see this topic: 1. Define new subject "Substitution Duty" 2. Create a lessons 'Without class' with this subject. 3...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
... but there are still some cards that are not placed in timetable and you want to remove all those cards from timetable completely ... Program just change the definitions of the lessons for classes and teachers in a way that there will be no unplaced cards...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
...timetable into online storage ... If you want to save the file under different name ... You can send these to teachers, publish online or just leave them there as a backup of your work ... See also:...

1 Constraints relaxation
... but if it gets in some bigger trouble with some card ... it will put it into timetable even if it means that some constraints will be broken ... See also:...

1 Can I reuse last year data?
... In fact it is quite simple: Open your last year timetable file (e ... So all you need is just to edit the counts of the lessons ... or particular teachers and classrooms ... See also:...

1 Reducing the room usage
... However once you have the timetable ... However once you have the timetable ready you may want to reduce the room usage for example to save on cleaning costs or to allow more room renting ... teachers and students just to fee the Gym room for renting on one afternoon...

1 I want to print different texts for each teacher. Do I have to create design for each teacher?
... You just need to create one template and use custom fields ... In the design you will print a custom fields, so for each teacher his/her own texts will be printed ... See also:...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
...timetable direct from aSc TimeTables ... You can also specify users right for logged teachers, students or public (this can be specified later)...

1 How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
...timetable to be for more days than just 5 days (e ... g 10 days): Please note that in this case you have to double the teachers lessons ... Check also:...

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
... Note: Similar situation can happen also for seminars where there are joint students from two classes ... If you wish this card to be shown also in other class's timetable then you need to sign some students from this class to that seminar...

1 Working with timetable - general information
... 3 - The timetable contains cards, each cell is representing individual lessons ... Split lessons are displayed with a card of half size, lessons divided into three groups with third size, etc ... You can change the lessons, teachers, classes at any time...

1 How can I export timetables to Excel or HTML
...timetable make sure that the desired timetable is already stored in the Online timetables ... Click on a row in the table to select the timetable you want to export ... Warning: You need to have MS Excel 2007 or later for Excel export...

1 Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
... Note: Do not forget, that this relation must correspond with teachers' lessons settings...

1 What's new in version 2007
...TimeTables users ... need for your teachers, classes, rooms or even the school ... You can for example input and then print teacher's position ... You can also create or edit lessons here...

1 How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
... Notes: - If you want to limit the maximum gap length the children can have ... you will need to add next cardrelationship: ... you will need to add next cardrelationship: - you can also ... timetable into less lessons...

1 How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
...teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms list box to reorder items in the list ... For classes, teachers, and classrooms, this will also ... this will also change the order of timetable rows on the main screen in Whole/Teachers/Classrooms views ... If you want to sort items in descending order...

(sorting, order,)

1 How many timetables can be published during a school year?
... however for one day only one timetable can be official ... classregister, substitution, teachers and students attendance and other modules linked to your actual timetable) ... See also: ...

1 How can I select what printout will be printed?
...print preview: ... You can also use the remaining icons to modify this selected report...

1 Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
... when you have the timetable for more weeks and there are teachers ... if they teach different lessons in more weeks timetable and you want to minimize usage of the different days in the week...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
...timetable than on satisfying all the constraints ... Third – let's say the teacher doesn’t want to teach in afternoons ... teachers ... Also ... sometimes you really need ... New test for bigger timetables...

1 ID numbers in import/export
... When you export same timetable next time ... teachers ... If you want to get some real id numbers exported ... you need to configure so called "idprefix" ... You can specify idprefix value also...

1 Creating a new or opening existing timetable
... the following screen will appear: Create new timetable: The Timetable ... - a good idea is to check also some of our demo files via menu Help - Show demo files ... Then you may want to check the country specific ones...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
...timetable (e ... teachers change, or some courses ended, ... See also: ...

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
... that you have lessons where are physically two or more teachers in one classroom with one group of students at the same time ... Do not use this way if: - if you need to create lessons when each teacher teaches their own group of student in different classroom ... See also: ...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
...Timetable - Parameters: ... If this value is set to 6 then your teachers cannot teach from the 1st to 7th period in a row ... You can also...

1 How to delegate other teachers to administrate the timetables
...timetable ... Select any of the teachers that you have already created in EduPage or create a new account ... To create a new account you just need to input a name and email ... See also:...

1 Printing weekly timetables
...timetable on one sheet, with the row divided into weeks (terms) ... Top part of the row shows week A, bottom part shows week B: Setup 1 If you want to print each week on separate paper...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
...names ... timetables ... also means ... you will need to input lessons as seminars (or courses) ... teachers - use divisions...

1 How can I define Extra columns?
...printout you can define several additional columns or rows ... Set also Header text and width of column (or high of row) ... Summary timetables for teachers...

1 What's new in version 2008
... We are also ... timetable faster: 2 ... Printouts It is now possible to print the lesson grid:See: ... teachers or classrooms used in the timetable ... sizes...

1 We also teach on Saturdays = We have 6 days cycle.
... If you are using day's names, then the sixth day will be automatically named accordingly (e ... if your timetable starts on "Monday" ... See also:...

1 Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables
...teachers complain about the "windows" in their timetable ... You can set also individual custom values per teacher (if it is different as the global parameter)...

1 How can I input individual students
...timetable ... If you choose this first option, you can also directly specify all subjects (courses) this student has chosen: B ... names ... In case you need, you can sort the list according column by a simple click on header...

1 We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
...If your teacher is teaching for example 23 lessons per week (46 in total) and you are using 10 day timetable (2x5days) it can happen that the software generates 30 lesson in one week and 16 in the other week...

1 Digital screen
... so you do not need ... You may also set the header, or do that later ... timetable type ... -Teacher's names: display whole names or short ... Just check the checkbox near each type you want to display ... size with the time left to the next bell...

1 What’s new in version 2016
...The new advisor will look at your timetable ... need to be fixed before the generation ... But the advisor will also ... want ... backgrounds for the printouts and more ... the teachers can assign tests...

1 Swap two days in timetable
...timetable and suddenly ... you just need to swap two days ... It means that you want to move all cards from one day to another and vice versa ... Cards in remaining days will be untouched and also this command will not change the Time-offs...

1 What is cloud generator?
... Open your timetable, specify how many computers shall work on it and then let it run ... It is cost effective You can rent extra computers only for the time you need them ... See also:...

1 aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
...All you need is your login name and password to access your timetable from home PC ... Very easy to share with other teachers/students One click and your teachers can see the timetable for review...

1 What’s new in version 2009
...The timetable ... The timetable can handle all the tasks needed to build the timetables based on students ... You can also input course priorities ... New printout toolbar & functions The print preview section has changed ... This allow you to quickly define colors, sizes ... If you want a separate paper for each week...

1 Spreading lessons on different periods each day
... I don't want all the math lessons to be at first period each day ... So you only need ... - this relationship can easily kill your timetable if used inproperly ... - also you might consider specifying "Max 2" on each period...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
...timetable ... Select the row with the timetable you want to publish and click the "Publish" button ... You can also specify the first week of your timetable (it can happen ... Proposed are options for logged teachers and unlogged public quests...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
... (If you are building student based timetable check this article: ... Select 'Lessons' in the upper combobox, because we want to import the lessons first ... Note that the software will create also teachers, classes, subjects if they are not yet in the timetable...

1 Checking room capacity
...The software then check this capacity during the generation and it also can warn you if you manually put bigger class into smaller room: ... - if you are using seminars(courses) you do not need...

1 Do not print some breaks or periods in some classes (or teachers or in summary timetables)
... that it shall be printed in only in a group of classes ... See also:...

1 What’s new in version 2020
... Especially the longer generations the bigger benefit ... We have also added “optimal” setting ... If you have hard timetable and time (overnight ... No need to install it ... you can immediately notify the teachers or students...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
...timetable where one half has English on Monday 6th period ... because you will need two teachers for escorting children to lunch each day(one for each group)...

1 Import from XML
... You need to write your data into this format ... Note: To create new timetable file from XML data ... 2) You can also add new tables to import some other data (e ... we can enhance XML import with class teachers for classes...

1 How to input buildings
... In timetables online: Then ... or into one campus (so buildings are very close and teachers/kids can move between lessons during breaks) ... need to specify this information explicitly - also...

1 Testing card relationships
...also individual card relationships: ... You can do this by right clicking in the upper left corner of the timetable, then choosing "Test - Card relationships" and choose one of the relationships ... which can help you understand whether the card relationship does what you want or if there is some problem with it...

1 Design object properties
... This part will be replaced with actual class's name during the printout ... You can also ... so that everything you need is located in one design folder...

1 Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
...You can also change the texts that shall be displayed on the screen ... In some cases you want to see teacher instead of clasroom etc ... Note: you can fully customize the prinouts in the print preview mode...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2
... Use the exact names of objects and classes as specified in the program ... You may find a sample table also here...

1 How to assign lessons to classrooms?
...need to check classroom availability during timetable creation ... In this dialog you can also set Classrooms prioritization"...

1 How can I start cloud generator?
...timetable in ASC Timetables online and press the "Generate in cloud" button ... To view the results, please check: Also it is possible to monitor the progress in the mobile application: See also:...

(cloud generator)

1 Choosing teachers for room supervision.
...teachers for supervisions ... When you move mouse over individual supervisions, you will see the teacher's timetable in preview rows area ... This timetable shows in which classroom is the teacher teaching and also all supervisions...

1 Additional data synchronisation
...timetable that is official for some time of the school year ... If some teachers have not been connected automatically, e ... Note: If you have nothing to link the teacher/class/subject you need to add these to EduPage or modify the timetable...

1 Multi term timetables
...Use the button Edit if you want different names for terms ... Similar to days also for terms you can define special terms ... If your school has different timetable on odd and even weeks (sometimes called weekA and weekB...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
...- you can select the teachers and select only the teachers that have enough lessons ... - as usual: add this constraint only when you can already generate the timetable without it - in some timetables this constraint might not work...

1 Generate room supervision
... This generator will try to optimize duty's timetable according to the criteria ... These criteria are linked with actual teachers' timetables ... Red part means that you do not want the situation happen ... See also:...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
...timetable as follows: problem is ... This can be solved by change of displaying your timetable as "Standard" See also: ...

1 Advisor - No lessons for certain period
...timetable ... Either you have to allow some subjects or you need to block this period also in the timeoff of the class ... teachers...

1 What’s new in version 2019
...timetable by using better rooms for this lesson ... It is also possible to define these rooms priorities for subjects ... want the rooms allocated in the generated timetable: 3A ... teachers ... The absent teacher’s doesn’t need...

1 Checking and generation
... Just press button "Generate" to generate the timetable and finish the wizard: The generation dialog will suggest you to test the timetable before the generation ... A good idea can be to check help topics explaining the generation: and If you still haven't done so, we advise you also to check the Tutorial:...

1 How to input new teacher
...Teachers - New ... because it is often use during the work or in the printed layouts ... For every new teacher you can also specify: - Contract – optional setting ... timetable cycle...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... Test the timetable before the first generation ... it is most likely the case that you will need ... teachers ... want ... See also:...

1 What's new in version 2010
... teachers daily plans, publishing substitution information and more ... Everything is secured, hosted on aSc Servers, so that you do not need to maintain your web-server to get these new features ... This can help you in early stages of timetable generation ... Also autosave now backups your work every 30 minutes...

1 Right-click on row headers
... lessons and in case of classes also divisions ... You can also open print preview with timetable for this selected item only...

1 Distribution of subject over the week
... program tries to distribute subject in class's timetable equaly over the week ... If you do not want the above default behaviour ... See this: Option 2: You can also create customized distribution ... subject/teachers lessons ... need to select those classes in previous dialog...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
... but you want to add them AFTER the timetable is created, you can use "temporary subjects" ... that lessons can be deleted with every generation (so you need to set them again - therefore it is good to add hotkey)...

1 How can I define lesson without any teacher?
...need to create a special lesson without any particular teacher (e ... Note: These lessons will not be visible in the "teachers view" ... Note: These lessons will not be visible in the "teachers view" See also:...

1 How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
...timetable and click on "Properties" ... See also:...

1 Generate draft timetable
...timetable generation it is advised to try to generate draft ... you can specify which constraints you want to turn off, and which shoudl be active with strict or relaxed generation...

1 Lesson's length counting in teacher's contract
...5 to the total teachers contract, you can specify this in Subjects/Constraints dialog ... Note: If you also want to generate these lessons to be on certain positions, for example 0...

1 Contract planning in Lesson grid
... List of teachers will be (re)sorted every time you select some lesson in grid ... - Previous timetable ... In this panel you can also edit some information about teachers if you need...

1 Blocked part of the day
... In most real life situations this is not what the user wanted to input, so the software reports this as a warning ... it may be very hard to tell why the timetable doesn't generate ... but the generator can decide which ones: or if you need ... or if you need some free afternoons for your teachers - let the software decide which ones:...

1 How to print lessongrid?
...Print Preview...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... it needs to pass the basic test ... This first test tries to generate small parts of your timetable to detect the basic mistakes in your inputted data or constraints ... then we recommend you to see our other tools for analyses: See also:...

(basic test)

1 French and Spanish language lessons can be in one day, but with a gap at least 2 periods
... You do not want them to be continuously but also with gap 2 periods at least...

1 We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution 2)
... You can see its setting in Bell 1, so you need to change only different times ... Otherwise, this period will be printed only in classes, which are in Bell 2 ... you will need to add constraints for teachers ... See also:...

1 My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
...need to specify the available rooms for each lessons ... So in the generated timetable all lessons are placed in their rooms ... See also:...

1 Editing a lesson
... Note: You can also type the lesson count without clicking on this field ... need to press enter) ... When you click on this field, you will see the list of teachers from which you can pick the right one ... 4) This shows the group names in the case when the class is divided into groups for this subject...

1 How to apply a print design
...PrintPreview and display the class, teacher or classroom to which you want to change a design ... Then your timetable is shown with this new design:...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
... If you do not want to affect all lessons ... You will probably want to define also other similar rules for other classes that has to have Biology on different positions ... This can be usefull if the rule is too strict for your timetable and perhaps you can tolerate 1 biology in the marked area, but not two in any given class...

1 Lesson requires more classrooms
... where are joined 2 classes with 2 teachers, but I need them to be allocated into two classrooms ... When editing the timetable manually you can see this in the classrooms pop up menu: ... See also:...

1 How to show the timetable colored by buildings
... Then you can quickly check when classes or teachers buildings change in their timetables ... You can modify the current view in this way: See also:...

1 Working with classrooms
...also while manually moving the cards the classrooms are automatically assigned ... So the below described functions are only necessary when you want to rearange the classrooms:...

1 How to set teacher's timeoff
...Teachers dialog you can specify when each teacher can teach ... If you have teachers who teach only two days per week and it doesn't matter which ones - please see also: ...

1 Can I force the generator to place certain lesson on certain position?
...timetable before the generation and then lock them ... Locked cards are marked with small stripe in the lower right corner: If you click right mouse button you can specify also the clasroom for this lesson: IMPORTANT: try to avoid locking lessons unless really necessary...

1 Is it possible to have two teachers supervising one room?
... You can define the number of teachers needed for one duty ... See also:...

1 Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
...- use this only when you have some timetable generated ... See also:...

1 What's new in version 2013
... If you are importing lessons/seminars, you no longer need to have the timetable with subjects/teachers ... It is now possible possible to specify the importance also for regular cardrelationships...

1 Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
... so - create lesson with one teacher - two times per week AND lesson with two teachers (via "More teachers" button) - three times per week See: ... In timetable you can see two colors on cards with two teachers and two different rows in class contracts from the same subject...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
...Teachers - select the teacher from the list and use "Remove" button and confirm with "Yes" ... - All lessons of this teacher will be removed also...

1 I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
... Advanced usage: In some cases you might need to use the advanced cardrelationship ... want both subjects to be on the same period each day ... Optionally you can select also classes (if you want this constraint to apply only on certain classes)...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... It will help you with basic settings of your timetable and also with adding all necessary data ... You don't need to answer all questions, everything can be set later ... In the sixth step add all teachers in your school...

(first step, new timetable)

1 What’s new in version 2021
... For example you can see how many teachers have over 5 gaps ... Extended tests were improved The software now checks for more problems in your timetable and it checks for them in better order ... The draft generation now allows you to relax also the constraints on the teachers, in the previous version they were always strict...

(new version)

1 How to specify when a class can have a lunch?
... you don't need to care about entering lunch in the program ... (you can do this also if e ... You can also specify that you do not want...

1 Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
... All you need is set users rights for administration of the timetables for selected teachers first...

1 Supervisions in more weeks timetable
...timetable with more weeks ... you can set the teachers supervisions duties in two ways: A: same teachers in every week In this case ... See also: ...

(week, supervision, canteen, )

1 How can I rename days?
... The software allows you to define your day names and short names in case you want to change the defaults: If your school has 2 different days Day A and Day B where DayA is Monday...

1 Our teacher teach two different subjects but they need at least one period gap between.
...also physical education, he will be very grateful, if you create him the timetable with a gap between two lessons for different subjects...

1 What’s new in version 2022
...timetables online is now available ... It is cost effective You can rent extra computers only for the time you need them ... Also...

1 Extended count of lessons per week
...If you want to define a lesson that is on the same position each day ... timetable ... - You can also pick any short name of days, for example typing Mo will create a lesson that is only on Monday...

1 How can I edit the timetable saved online
...timetable (even from PC version of aSc Timetables software) in Timetables online administration ... Please, see this: See also...

1 Statistics
...timetable by choosing the menu item TimeTable - Statistics:...

1 Removing placed cards from the timetable
... You can remove a placed cards from the timetable in this way: 1: One-by-one (single selection) a - Click on that card to select it ... You can also just unplace lessons from already assigned classrooms...

1 Divisions
... Or Math - 3 times per week for the Whole class, since the Whole class is also a group ... In both cases a dialog will appear inside which you can enter the names of individual groups ... Otherwise you will have to allow gaps in classes timetables (via "discontinuous educational block")...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
... If your timetable took few seconds to generation previously ... also the timetables online cloud generator ... want to give them time to change clothes ... or positions for teachers, ... Extra columns/rows in print layouts This feature is available online now too...

1 Working with divided lessons
... Now you can select the lesson teachers: Notes If you want only one group to have this lesson...

1 How to register the software?
...You do not need to register the online version ... com is fully functional and you can create your school's timetable with it ... you will be able to print without watermarks...

1 Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6
... You need to use cardrelationship: ... You need to use cardrelationship: See also:...

1 Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
...timetable with more weeks, the system automatically takes the first week as the beginning of the cycle ... See also...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
... If you need two subjects from different classes ... If you want the children to finish at the same time ... See also:...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
...timetable but the full generation still fails ... teachers and classes ... But this also means that if you have some time-offs that are theoretically possibly, try to remove them...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... If you want courses to be separate for each grade ... If you don’t know the teachers for these sections yet ... Usually you don't need ... If you have a timetable ... See also:...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
...printed reports, it can have these main causes: 1 ... You have not used classrooms in your timetable at all ... Uncheck selected option, to display also these specific classrooms...

1 Locked cards
... Locking a card on an unlucky position can prevent your timetable from being finished ... The locked card has a small stripe in the right bottom corner: If you wish, you can also...

1 Moving the cards manually
...timetable by simple movements of cards ... Of course, the program checks for collisions of classes, teachers and classrooms ... Now move the card with the mouse: You can click also on a card located in the bottom panel of not placed cards ... It’s up to you whether you want to have the card in the position or not...

1 Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
... there is a global setting in menu Options/Customize the software: When check the software will print all consecutive single lesson as one longer lesson ... The timetable displayed in the software will show two single lessons...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
...timetable ... If you have relaxation allowed it generates until all cards are placed, but may need to break some constraints...

1 Print-out designs
...Timetables allows to completely customize your printouts ... You can also modify any design and create your own ... address headers and all the information you might need on the printouts because your education ministery requires it...

1 What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
... But other teachers can have, of course, just one per teacher ... However you will need to create a separete cardrelationship for each teacher ... See also:...

1 Cloud generator
... The cloud generator has generated many timetables and can use the gathered expertise also in generating your timetable...

1 How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
... Lessons without class can be used to specify some activities for teachers only...

(without class, teachers' meeting, )

1 Two days timetable
...timetable that works in two alternative days - Day A and Day B ... If you wish the timetable to be only in first days of the weeks, then you don't need to do anything...

(Day A-DayB, alternative days, )

1 I want subject in one class to be on the same positions as subject in another class
...want to have Math lessons in 5 ... See also: ...

1 Basic data
... Days for which you are going to create the timetable (if your school also teaches on Saturday ... Specify if you want to use zero lessons...

1 The student’s timetable view
... The color has also changed because the color was by teachers ... you will find the cards in the bottom are that shows cards not placed in the timetable...

1 How can I print breaks between lessons?
...You can select all summary reports and/or individual reports for teachers, classes, classrooms ... - by selecting specific Bell you can print the break only in classes timetables ... Please, see this: See also:...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
...timetable for exactly 1 minute and then shows you which cards were causing the most problems ... Also one of the cards at the bottom is in red ... There is no way around this, you either need to split PE or move at least one of the Chloe's lessons to other class...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
... Note: It is also possible to test multiple items by right-click on any card, then choose Test - More...

1 How to print wallposters, for example 3x2 papers
Select that Wall poster from the list of available reports: Then you change the column widhts and heihts: ...

1 How to edit teacher's details
... See also: ...

1 How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
...timetable directly in ASC Timetables online administration ... you can also create timetable for more weeks or terms ... Create all teachers in your school...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
...timetable for each class that starts with 1st lesson ... It also calculates the average lessons per day and tries to balance the lessons put per each day ... You can ignore this warning message or if you want...

1 How to print report for Monday AND Tuesday only?
... At first you have to create combinations of days you wish to print...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
... The software will now try to place all the cards into your timetable that match the Filter options selected in the first step ... See also:...

1 How to rename the period and specify its duration (Bell times)
... program will automatically unplace them - but not remove completely from timetable ... You don’t need to renumber the 0 to 1 in case you don’t have this special 0th period ... See also:...

(period's edit, belltimes, start, end, period's lenght)

1 I want to have 1+1+1+2 OR 1+2+2 lessons per week.
...want to computer to decide you have to do it like this: 1 ... Define a card relationship like shown on this picture: See also:...

1 How can I print Lecturer or Professor instead of Teacher?
Simply click right mouse button on the text and type the desired text: ...

1 How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
... term or just change the timetable in one day to another day ... See also: ...

1 Can I set the min/maximum number of lessons per day for one class?
... So setting the min/max is only needed when you want to override this automatic calculation or if you have turned it off ... It defines that you want minimum of 5 lessons on Mon-Fri: See also:...

1 How to print reports for DayA/DayB? (available in version 2009)
...timetable, you can define these special days in the Day definition dialog, see above ... Then all you have to do is to make sure in the filter you have selected entry DayA or DayB: The program will then print your lessons accordingly...

1 Why some of the periods are not displayed in print preview?
... that this (or these) period shall be printed only in one of the bells ... See also: ...

1 Advisor - special classrooms are not defined
... This might be OK and the timetable may be completed ... But many times this is not what you wanted ... To fix this you need to either define the special rooms ... See also:...

1 I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
...timetable published on Edupage with the new data just follow these steps: 1...

1 Subject - Constraints
... It means that this subject is "more difficult" and you may not want to have "to many" such subjects in one day for a class ... See: E: Specify, how will be the length of the lessons counts to teachers contract ... See: Note: You can input these options anytime later during the timetable creation process...

1 Classrooms prioritization
...timetable by using better rooms for this lesson ... This case will be also included in the list of broken constraints (if you click on "Verification")...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
...timetable each day then you probably don’t need to see in 5 columns at them main screen...

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Select the teachers ... Select the teachers you want ... Software will show you timetables ... If the teachers do need also some room for the meeting...

1 Supervisions substitution
...also supervisions in your timetable ... wnich need to be substituted...

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
...want to change the room for your lesson ... The dialog appears where you can see your timetable ... The room will be booked for you, and all the other teachers will not be able to book it at that time ... The room booking will also show up in your daily plan...

1 How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
...timetable to another day/week/term ... If you select also "shift also following days" the software will adjust also the following days until the end of the school year...

1 Printing fees and payments
...print reports ... If the administrator has authorized displaying fees to teachers in the payments settings, the teachers can print reports too ... the student will will be automatically selected in the print view: The print button is also in the student/user "Fees and payments" card :...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 How to start with e-learning?
... Before teachers can assign materials to students, they must first create the courses they teach...

1 How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
...timetable ("today" is selected by default) ... You can also add more absent teachers (classes, classrooms) in one step...

1 How to synchronize students from timetable to courses
...timetable for some of the courses, you do not need to enter them again when creating the course ... If you do not want to rewrite students in any of the seminars, uncheck the box for that course...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
... Once you had created your final timetable in aSc Timetables ... No need to send emails ... or print ... If there are, you can simply enter absent teachers (or classes, or booked classrooms)...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
...teachers ... names ... this teacher should teach in that day and you need to solve ... If you wish, you can also change the subject ... You can add the note and see related timetables in the lower screen...

1 How to input a new class/subject entry
... Type in the names of your classes/subjects, their Abbreviation ... Assign the classes their class teachers ... It is also possible to import data...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... but later there was some change in the timetable that was used on that day ... Changes in the timetable may also ... need to be substituted ... printing the substitution to PDF directly in the browser ... teachers, but those that you entered manually, e...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 How to adjust image size in a question or presentation card
... Image size can be adjusted by inserting another image next to the first one...

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
...(Education - Timetable - Administration - Verify - General) This example shows problems with groups in classes 7 ... When combining different classes, joining groups with the same names is inevitable...

1 How to input a new student entry
... Type in the names of your students ... Print passwords to students The students' login data can be printed and handed out to the students ... It is also possible to import data...

1 How to input a timetable during distance education
... How to input a timetable for the given time period If the class goes on with the former timetable ... Subsequently, the teachers will have to input their lessons into the class register manually ... See also:...

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
...teachers ... but you still need to record the absent students ... timetable for that particular course on that day ... The number of lessons displays in the student's attendance: See also: ...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
... Create the school's timetable in the aScTimetable program ... for the teachers ... Groups in joint classes have different names ... The class register can be printed out at the end of the school year: ...

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
...want to share your plan with other teachers, you need to set the visibility of the plan for others...

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
... There is need to have prepared the table - list of users names ... If you need to delete the variable symbols there is also option to do it in one step ... There is need to choose the new school year - where you want to transfer the variable symbols (1...

(variable symbol, ref. ID, )

1 How to copy the teaching plan if I teach parallel classes?
...want to copy the teaching plan to ... You can also copy the plan as you create the lesson...

1 Return payments - How to enter the account for refund
... post office, sports club) there is need ... post office, sports club) there is need to set up also ... via import from excel - you need to have prepared the excel sheet with the list of user´s names and their bank account information (CTRL+C and CTRL+V all data with headers)...

(bank account information, parent, user, school, system, employee, non-refundable accounts, import from excel)

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... You do not need ... Your preparations can also be seen by the students if you allow it ... teachers have created ... If you want ... EduPage also offers a system for correcting printed tests...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
...teachers in your timetable, program understands it as co-teaching - 2 teachers teach one group of students together...

1 How do I print a class report and other reports?
... then Print / Export...

1 Notifications
... The mobile application does not even need to be running ... It is also possible to specify which kind of messages you want to receive ... usernames and passwords...


1 How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)
...timetable ... Enter the date, teachers and students ... You need to assign them manually to the divided hours ... more details will be displayed: Do you want to edit a temporary reassignment? ... It can be also used when several classes go to skiing training, e...

1 How to create accounts for teachers, students and parents
... Enter teachers with emails ... Enter students names ... Their logins and passwords can be printed right away...

1 Assign tab - description
... preparations and standards Blue: assign material to another class (create a new assignation) Pink: you just want to prepare a material and don't want to assign it to any class yet ... Orange: Do you want to print and do the test on paper...

1 How to input a new event into the calendar
...teachers and the administrator can input different types of events ... - select "Cancels original lesson" in the timetable ... It displays in the print version...

1 How can I share my material in the school library?
... When creating new material that you want to share with other teachers, it is important to attach the material to the proper standard...

1 Summary of orders (both quantities and a list of names) and sharing for an external food supplier.
... They don't need their own EduPage account ... This functionality can also be useful for teachers/caretakers of after-school care ... - The second table contains counts based on portion size...

(external food supplier , summary)

1 How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
...Teachers - paid in cash (you need to send cash to school) ... You can mark selected fee (one or more if you want ... Please see also...

(fee, payment plan, maturity date, variable symbol, QR code)

1 Long time absence
... In the list of missing teachers choose one and select "Lessons" ... timetable) ... which you want ... which you want to assign to chosen teacher (you can use also "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys)...

1 Define type of payers and set up food price
... and the size of the meal portion, you need to set 'Types of payers & Food-Price' ... There you can modify the original defined payer type or add your own types (a) and also define the periods for which the data is valid (b) (e...

(type of payer, food price)

1 How to print QR codes for added books?
... The print format is set to sheet labels H01 (38x212mm) ... See also:...

1 How to change particular lesson if nobody is missing
... You can do so once, no need to change an entire timetable...

(edit lesson)

1 Improvements in the substitution overview
...Print button ... It shows not only the substitution "teacher for teacher" but also events ... It shows not only the substitution "teacher for teacher" but also events, the teachers take part in and due to which they cannot be present at their original lessons...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Check the timetable for errors For the class register to work properly, correct timetable is crucial ... Courses in the class register display to the students and the teachers based on the valid timetable ... Even bigger problem awaits in substitutions...

1 How to copy a teaching plan with preparations from another teacher?
... Select the one you want to copy from the list (depending on which teacher and for which class) ... When the given teacher also has preparations in the plan, a dialog box appears with three options - ... Note: The default setting of a plan (lesson) is that other teachers can only copy plan topics from another teacher...

1 How to set up a Grade book
... At the beginning of the school year, teachers must create the lessons they will teach that school year ... A published timetable will make it easier for your teachers to create lessons ... The administrator can also ... there is no need to change anything...

1 How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
...need to edit a particular lesson, e ... A dialog appears where you can select the lesson you want to change: You can change the room/teacher/subject as with any other substitution ... The lesson will now appear among the regular substitutions, with yellow color: See also:...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
...size limit of a file uploaded to EduPage by a teacher or by a student is 50 MB ... If you need to share large files with your students, we recommend you use cloud services, e...

1 Administration of interest groups at the beginning of school year
... No manual typing of student names is needed: ... archive/print the class register of the interest group ... input the interest group into the personal timetable ... teachers: ...

1 Administrator - How to enter the login names for parents
... The parent account also enables functions that are not available from the student account ... communicate with teachers, cancel children's meals in the cafeteria, pay school fees, ... To create a parent's account, you need to:Input the parent's email address into EduPage ... If you don't want to send the passwords to all the parents...

1 Creating presentations in Edupage - advantages
... - You can place more images next to each other or underneath, the system itself will take care of their size ... Do not waste time by choosing font, animation, or image size...

1 Messages to teachers, students and parents
...teachers to communicate with students and parents easily via messages ... Select the group of users you want to send the message to ... You can also attach a file...

1 How to upload a file to EduPage?
... This can take some time, it depends on your internet connection and file size: Once uploaded you can see your file in the list of files ... Administrator can see all files by all teachers: Note: - make sure you have copyright on the material you are uploading ... See also:...

1 Approbation
... Choose one or more subjects from the list of subjects: Add the teachers: If you need, you can also specify the grades or year...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
...timetables, not in a regular timetable ... Such teacher then appears in the list of teachers that can be added to the substitution...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
... after publishing the timetable on the EduPage site 1 ... Before publishing the timetable: At the beginning of the school year the teachers create their courses...

1 How to enable substitution viewer on the school website?
...print settings in substitution is automatically linked with the overview on EduPage ... If you want to modify some viewer settings...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... All you need ... and if there are more missing teachers on same lessons, you can set everything from one window ... You will even see actual timetables of class, selected substituting teacher, new classroom in lower part of this new window...

1 How to set own maturity date in the payment plan
...need ... Please see also...

(payment plan, creating a new payment plan, editing the payment plan, own maturity date)

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... do not enter the quarantined teachers and classes into substitutions as absent ... Click on the list of teachers to sort their names...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 How can I print my plan
... Click on Print the plan...

1 Can a teacher account be created without providing email?
... As long as there is an option to print out the password, there is a chance someone else will see it ... Select Teachers in the School data section of the EduPage Wizard ... The password to the teacher account can be displayed: See also:...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
... Lessons will be displayed in class registers and teachers will be able to add curriculum and absences ... What is the difference between this timetable and the one created in aSc Timetables? - you can create lessons for specific time interval, e...

1 What is shown in the top right corner?
... The color bar next to teacher's short names: Green - teacher is teaching in this class Orange - teacher has the correct approbation Dark Blue - teacher is the class teacher in this class ... Timetable of the class...

1 User with limited access
Teachers have access to grades ... If the teacher is also a class teacher, he/she can edit the class register in his class and enter the attendance ... Sometimes you need to restrict teacher access to grades, class register and attendance...

1 Parent - How can I use the notes on activity of my child in class?
... The goal of the “student activity in class” module is to provide a tool that allows teachers to quickly record and share their observations with parents ... ” They can also record negative observations ... ” It happens; it does not need to be addressed immediately...

1 Teacher details
... B: In the second column you can set duty and time-off for teachers ... After click on small timetable icon this window will appear: ...

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
... Generally the teachers create their own lessons ... If needed, the administrator can create courses for the teachers ... The teachers can create their courses even before the timetable has been published...

1 How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
... See also:...

1 Import of payments from bank statement
... First of all you need to export the bank statement in required format from internet banking and save it in your computer ... Imported payments need to be confirmed Please see also other helps in this category - ...

(import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments)

1 The advantages of EduPage Preparations
...want ... - you can also ... need to return to something ... You will not have to remember the names ... you can create a test that you can print or assign online to students ... teachers?...

1 Sharing the plan with other teachers
...(also with preparations) ... he can decide whether he wants to share his plan with other teachers or not...

1 How to add or remove items in menu
... Disable modules you do not need ... You can also set who can see the active module ... Visibility of module can be set for everyone, only for logged in users, only for teachers and only for administrator...

1 How to print the list of students attending an interest group
... You have two print reports to choose from: a report with or without a class...

1 How to change the fee in the payment plan
... Change of the fee for all students in payment plan In our example we need to change the fee for the March to zero because the school club was cancelled for this month for all students ... Change of the fee but we need to leave also original fee In some cases there is change of the fee we need to collect but we also we need to leave the original fee...

(change of fee for one particular student, change of fee for all students in payment plan)

1 How can I give notices to students?
...Login to EduPage and select the course that you want to give the notice from ... Giving a notice is also possible with the mobile application ... In the end you can print the notices as follows: Optionally you can set up various rules for notices...

1 Teacher - Calendar
... Teachers can input when exams will be, when the class goes to field trip, theatre etc ... The events are also shown in teacher’s daily plans to provide them with most up to date view of their itinerary for any give date:...

1 Move the lesson
...want to have a lesson to be taught ... You can also move the lesson to previous/next week...

1 How to print a student's report?
... you can print them easily logged in as an administrator or a teacher using the international student's report template ... Here you can see how many grades how been published and are visible to students and parents and also, how many reports have been published and seen by students and parents...

1 Copy duties
... There you can choose your targeted timetable (into which you wish to copy these duties), then Select "Tools" - "Copy: Duties and time-off" ...

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
...) are educated online with a slightly different timetable, and then they swap, two week timetable can be set in the Timetables: In week A set the timetable for classes 5...

1 How to print a student's report: Kenya
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term...

1 How to print a student's report: Singapore
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... Next, you are to generate the final grades: Lastly, form teacher can enter their Remark: A brief comment on Conduct can also be entered here...

1 How to print a student's report: Tanzania
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term...

1 How to import students' photos to EduPage?
... The name of the file in the zip must contain the last name (and even better if it also contains the first name and class), the underscore is ignored ... Before clicking on "Import", select whether you are importing photos for teachers or students...

1 Inputting absent teachers
... that certain teachers, classes are absent or some rooms cannot be used due to an exams or special events ... You can set also longtime absence...

1 Important message
...need to send a very important message to your students ... If any of the recipients do not have an e-mail address in EduPage, you will also learn this information...

1 Basic information on teachers' attendance
... Location of the module in EduPage The Teachers' attendance module can be found in the left menu, section "Education" → "Teacher attendance" ... The "Periods" section displays lessons and events from the timetable together with the time information...

(employee attendance)

1 Administrator - how to print list of students attending the course
...If an administrator needs to print a list of students, they can do so through grades...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda Primary School
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... Here you can see how many grades how been published and are visible to students and parents and also, how many reports have been published and seen by students and parents...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda O-Levels
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... need ... also, how many reports have been published and seen by students and parents...

1 How to print the class register for interest groups/afterschool clubs
...printed via "Class register - administration"...

1 How to print out the Agreement on personal data processing (GDPR)
...print out an Agreement on personal data processing...

1 Administrator's rights for Payments module
... In the 'Payments - Administration' column, check the right of the user to whom you want to add administrative rights to the Payments module ... NEW - Payments module offers now also extended settings of user´s rights to school´s bank accounts...

(right to administration of payments module, user rights, )

1 How to start using Teachers' attendance module
...teachers' attendance: 1...

1 How to set a different label format for printing QR codes?
... Labels with QR codes will be printed in the given format ... See also:...

1 How to assign material only to some students
...need to assign a project or a presentation not to the whole class, but to some students only ... Suppose we want to assign the Presentation "Solar system" only to some students from class 6...

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...- "Teachers (Fees)" section ... - Parent can see the paid fees and fees need to be paid ... Check also...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 How to add existing test to another class
... you want to reuse...


1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Select the teachers ... Select the teachers you want ... Software will show you timetables ... If the teachers do need also some room for the meeting...

1 How to print a test with student's answers?
...need to be printed ... You can also go back to the results of previous school years as follows: ...

1 Class teacher - How to print out an overview of parents' e-mail addresses
...Want to check if the parents' e-mail addresses are correct? ... An overview of the print-out ready for print...

1 Divided and joined classes
... This can also be done by the administrator ... If you want to select students from multiple classes ... Name of a group from timetable If you are preparing an course and you already have a timetable on the EduPage...

1 How to learn/print the login data to EduPage student account
...print out EduPage login data to students of their class...

1 Registration for a field trip
...</span> In order to learn the students' interest in the field trip, you need to create 2 targets: interested/not interested...

1 How to notify teachers, students and parents about an important found item
... Decide if you want to send the notification to the whole school, to all teachers or only to selected classes ... See also:...

1 Administrator/teacher - switching between teacher's and administrator's accounts
...teachers is also the EduPage administrator ... No need to input the password in the future...

1 How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
...need to select several topics from the plan at once, click "Select multiple / extra text" ... Then click on the topics you want to select and press OK...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
...teachers have a class divided into two groups ... The first teacher selects students for his group and links this group with the group's title in the Timetable...

1 How to make a test invisible for students?
Teachers can prepare a test for students in advance ... They don't want the students to gain access to the test in any way, of course ... Green icon - the material/card can be seen also by students, blue icon - the material/card is visible only to the teacher...

1 Class Teacher Principle - Attendance control
... Class teachers ... only absences or late arrivals need to be entered ... Are you sure you want ... Timetable ... With this right, absences can also...

1 How to print notices students from my class?
...print the notices of students from your class as follows: Select grades in the top menu, then Print / Export and select Notices of students from the list of reports...

1 How to remove a found item from the list of items found
... You might want to remove the item from the list because the owner has already claimed it, or because the item is no longer valid ... See also:...

1 Absence notes overview
... The teachers just need to accept or reject the absence note...

1 Parents – how to register for a parent-teacher meeting
...teachers during their consultation hours ... If the desired teacher's consultation hours are not visible, select „+ I want to book a consultation with other teachers“...

1 Courses with bell icon
...teachers has to create courses they teach ... If a timetable has already been published...

1 Fastest way to input lesson topic
...Timetable in the EduPage mobile app ... See also: ...

1 How to print list of students
... If you wish to print a list of students from multiple courses click Select and indicate the desired courses...

1 How to print out the Awards, Certificates
... To print out the Award's/Certificate's backgound, expand 'More settings' and tick the 'Backgroung Graphics' option...

1 How can I print results from action?
...The results will be exported to a spreadsheet where you can print them...

1 How to send Awards and Certificates via EduPage?
...want to send it to awarded student via Edupage, click on 'Save or send to students' button ... You can also send it to multiple students when generating the same certificates...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
... View your weekly timetable (second view) ... All materials for the topic can be easily accessed during the lesson: See also: ...

1 Registration to field trips, seminars, courses and other activities
... It can be used by an administrator to organize elective seminars, courses for teachers and so on ... For an event created through the Registration module, students can also register through a mobile application...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
...- if you don't want to select a different topic from your plan, but want to write the topic manually instead, follow these steps:   Click a topic from the plan you want to cancel...

1 How do students view their results from tests or homework?
... the teachers can see the results here ... They can also input the grades here...


1 Notifications
... The mobile application does not even need to be running ... It is also possible to specify which kind of messages you want to receive ... usernames and passwords...


1 How to filter only HW or tests in notifications?
...teachers and students have the "Exams & works" tab in the "Notifications" ... If you want to view homework only, press the "Homework" icon...


1 How to filter only HW or tests in notifications?
...teachers and students have the "Exams & works" tab in the "Notifications" ... If you want to view homework only, press the "Homework" icon...

Printout designs - Printing

1 How to add class name, classteacher, homeclassroom to my print design
... See also:...

1 How can I change/remove the design?
... you can simply press right mouse in printpreview mode and select Remove design ... From now on the selected page will be printed without any special design: See also:...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
... Or you can remove the design from your timetable, so that all timetables are printed in standard layout...

Timetable Generation - TimeTables

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
... It also shows how many cards the software was unable to put into the timetable...

1 Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints.
...It simply means that computer was able to put all lessons into the timetable but it had to relax some of your constraints ... Also please check these articles:...

1 Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
... Generator in aSc Timetables is capable to utilize this additional computing power...

1 Checking and generation
opisat funkciu /pozri helpy "whats...

Teachers - Data input

1 Teacher's lessons - Contracts
... cycle and more teachers ... See also:...

1 Teacher's constraints
... Limit number of windows in timetable for the teacher and The teacher cannot have 3 windows in one day ... - you can use "Set for all" button to copy selected setting to other teachers...

1 How can I specify teachers’ home classrooms?
... So for example if teacher is teaching History in his room and he also teaches Physical Education then PE lessons will by default be only in Gym rooms defined by the subject...

Teachers - Constraints

1 Teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week in class 5A but both are in the afternoon.
You instruct the generator to balance the lessons so that if teacher is teaching only two or three lessons in one class they shall not be placed every time late in the day. You have two options: 1. or 2...

1 How to specify min and max lesson teacher shall have on one day?
... If it is not possible generate a timetable, it will be even more impossible to generate it with requirement that each teacher shall have 2-5 lessons each day...

1 We need one free Math teacher for every period in week
... when there are 5 Math teachers in your school and you wish to ensure that there always be at least one of these teachers free on every period (e...

1 How could be distributed the first/last lessons for all teachers in equality?
... Example for first lesson: You have to set for all teachers constraint "Max number of first period lessons" as advanced card relationship, see picture: Same way you can input "Max number of last period lessons"...

1 Our class teachers always have to teach the 1st lesson
Please, see this article first: If this class teacher teaches only one subject, you can simply lock their lesson on that position...

1 How to specify a teacher can teach only one 7th lesson
... Complex solution You can use this advanced card relationship: See also: ...

1 How to ensure lunch break for teachers
...need to make sure that every teacher has at least one period free during lunch time for lunch, you can input it this way: Example: Lunch between periods 3-5...

1 Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
... - same condition can be defined for mornings, again just change the map - you can select only some teachers that shall be considered...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
... - use change teachers if this shall apply to only some teachers...

1 Teacher cannot teach both in the morning and in the afternoon
...Apply it to teachers - so that it is checked for each teacher indivdually and mark the the two timeoffs the corresponding periods ... You do not need to mark all the periods...

1 Teacher cannot teach in two different classes in one day
... teacher cannot teach in 5A and 5B in the same day: If you have more classes you will need to add more cardrelationships, depending on what you really need...

1 Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
... If you for example select only apply to teachers it would mean that each teacher can have max 2 periods per day...

1 Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
Add this advanced cardrelationship: Please note the: Apply to selected teacher's classes. This will make sure the rule is applied to each teacher in each of his classes separatelly. If you use for example Apply globally, then there could not be 3 conscutive lessons in the whole school...

1 Teacher cannot teach both 6th and 7th period. He can teach only one of these two.
You can insert this cardrelationship: Select only those two periods in the timeoff - the constraint max 1 per day is applied only on those lessons that are marked as green...

1 Teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day, but only twice in week
This can be done with using these two constraint. 1. At first set, that teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day. You can do so in teacher's constraint or with this advanced card relationship 2. Now set that teacher can have max 4 periods per day with two exceptions...

1 Our teacher must teach in consecutive days
... See also: ...

1 Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
... you wish to limit consecutive periods for teachers to "max 3" in a row you can use this global or individual setting...

Student based timetable - TimeTables

1 How can I input students picks
...need to: ... - add all students into your timetable - ... then you will be able to also assign student into specific group directly in this step...

1 How to input seminar lessons
...names ... Timetables - ... This is used usually when many students want to attend one subject, so they need to be divided into groups...

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
...timetables is very similar to the regular cards but there are few differences: The first difference is in the way of displaying the cards...

1 How can I assign students to groups manually
... In both cases, you might want just to assign the students into groups ... This is very simple issue, things might get more tricky if you account teachers time-offs etc...

1 Function "Rearranging students in seminar groups
...If you do not have seminar groups(the same subject taught by more teachers) then the software cannot reaarange anything and this option is grayed ... Program also ... want to have big differences within one class...

1 Max students for certain seminar lesson
... It is also possible to input this for all lessons of some subject in subject constraints: Note: Value for subject is used only for lessons where "Lesson capacity" field is left blank...

1 Pending students view
This view is basically the same as students view, the only difference is that here you can see only the students that had some picks left out. These students are show in rows, their picks that were not realized, are show bellow: This view is good for final touchups...

1 Student can have max 3 gaps per day
... First you need to allow discontinout layout so that the software can create the gaps...

1 How can I display capacities and students counts on the cards?
... Also in lesson grid...

1 Student choices - Importance
... Only after the timetable is completed, the generator tries to place these ... Alternative - you need to go to student's dialog to specify this one...

1 Student's can select/request courses at our school
... Most school do not need to input students in order to create schedule ... The system can handle both aproaches within the same timetable, so no need to decide in advance...

Testing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... it will report the item which was not able to generate and it will offer you some options that will help you to find and resolve the problem: CHECK and FIX this problem - program will show you the part of the timetable that it has generated and give you the card that it can't generate...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... Test shows us what it was able to achieve and also gives us the card it was not able to put into the timetable...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
Insert text here ....

Working with timetable - TimeTables

1 Control panel
... 2 - The button for viewing the timetable of the current teacher or class...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
... View - display the preview of the timetable of the selected related object (teacher/subject/classroom/class) 8 ... See also:...

1 Undoing and restoring operations
...timetable by menu View - Undo/Redo: Please note that this only affects the positions of the cards...

1 Classroom view
... So for example the following picture shows you that you can easily move physical education for 8H from Small to Big gym room: The cards shown in the control panel are either cards that are not yet placed in the timetable or cards that are placed but they do not have a classroom assigned yet...

1 Filter function
... like show only double lessons or show only lessons that have only one section: So if the school wants to create a timetable by hand from the scratch, they can filter only lessons with one section only and start with these...

1 Working with days in the main view
... If you for example want to see only one day, you can do this in the days combobox...

1 How can I filter cards displayed in the list on uplaced cards
... Examples: Select all double lessons: Select all seminars/course that have at 3 sections: See also:...

1 What happens when I change school type?
... Timetable based on students picks (Master) – shows all courses in one row, regardless of grade...

1 What does the stripes on the cards mean?
The software might show stripe of varios color on card to indicate: White stripe – cards that are placed but they do not have a classroom assigned yet Red stripe - placed a card in a not allowed position Purple stripe - visual indications for cards that are over capacity ...

1 Hotkeys
...timetable generation...

1 Related timetables
... It is possible to take the card to your hand also from the related timetables...

1 Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
It can happen, that by mistake you have selected, that default day for each new lesson shall be specific day - e.g. Wednesday. This can be changed in menu "Options - Customize the stoftware - User interface - Default values"...

Sharing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Share timetable
... Edupage offers you several possibilities how you can share your timetable with your colleagues, students and parents...

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
...Timetables online web page is easy ... All you need to do is to go to menu: Main/Timetables online: ... You shall specify some official school name and also...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
...timetables you have stored on your edupage in PC application ... See also: ...

Attendance - teachers - Attendance of teachers

1 How to record a one-time adjustment in attendance, e.g. leave of absence
... leave of absence, please use the green + sign and fill in the relevant data: Teachers can use this function likewise...

1 How to customize the section appearance - show or hide sections?
When the items displayed have been set , the predefined items display can be set for individual employees. Use the "Show" function to adjust the items displayed in individual sections. For example: non-teaching staff will only have the "Attendance" section displayed...

1 How to customize the section appearance - show or hide sections?
Insert text here ....

Attendance of teachers - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Teachers attendance
...Teachers attendance: Allows you to keep track of arrivals, departures and any abandonments of school during the day ... It is also possible to record time, which teachers spend preparing for teaching outside school...

1 Workload types to be used at our school
If some of the workload types are superfluous for your school, turn them off. The attendance overview will be easier to read. Go to "Settings", select the "Workload" tab and turn off the superfluous items. Items can be renamed. A new workload item can be added...

1 How to set the process of recording absences into substitutions
...teachers can be set in the Substitutions online: You can set the reflection of the reasons of absence for individual teachers in the "Settings" → "Contract" →"Substitutions"...

1 How to count different types of substitutions into teachers' attendance
...teachers' attendance automatically...

1 User rights to Teachers' attendance
... Follow these instructions to do so You can set the rights to manual editing of attendance for teachers through "Settings" → "user rights"...

Sharing materials among teachers - Preparations

1 How can I use shared material, e.g. test?
... Mark the questions you want and select "Add to Material"...

1 How do I get to the materials that other teachers have prepared for the Standards
... You can also search for materials by entering the topic in the search bar...

1 How to make a copy of a card (your, school or global card)
...want to copy...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
Tick the questions that are to be assigned to students. Click "Add selected to material". The questions can be assigned to students either as a test, or as homework. The homework has a default name that can be changed...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
Insert text here ....