Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Inputting absent teachers
... that certain teachers, classes are absent or some rooms cannot be used due to an exams or special events...

1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
... The advantage: teachers ... The advantage: teachers recording the students' attendance see information that the absent students are on the skiing trip ... Inputting mass absence note is not obligatory...

1 Events in substitution
... Then you can click on this Event and select "Add absent" ... Program then open window "New absent" with all missing teachers and classes already selected...

1 Defining reasons for absence
...absent you can specify the particular “Reason for absence ... Note: The program can create a monthly summary reports of all absent teachers and their reasons for absence...

1 How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
... Add new absent teacher with big red "+" button in lower right corner ... You can also add more absent teachers (classes, classrooms) in one step...

1 Adding more missings at once
...teachers/classrooms and classes at once ... Just press button "More" in the "New Absent" dialog, and then select missing teachers/classes or classrooms...

1 How can I remove the substitution?
... Simply do "Right click" and choose "Remove substitution": The substitutions lines that are created because someone was absent cannot be simply releted ... The only way how to remove the substitution is to remove the original missing teacher from the list of absent teachers (or adjust the length of absent if he/she is missing on part of the day only)...

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... do not enter the quarantined teachers and classes into substitutions as absent...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
...teachers and the administrator can input different types of events in the calendar: ... With this type of event it is possible to record the absent students: student absences can only be input if the event cancels the regular lesson...

1 Teacher's absence on supervisions
...absent for part of the day, but he is able to do his/her supervisions duty during breaks, you can uncheck, if teacher's absence concern also breaks before, between, and after teacher's absent periods...

1 How to ban inputting curriculum in the class register beforehand
...inputting curriculum entries in the class register beforehand...

1 How to input events/lessons with class teacher en masse
...teachers/the administrator can input several types of events into the calendar: ... If several classes attend a school event together with their class teachers, the "Class teacher" tick-box can make your event inputting easier:...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
...absent teachers...

1 Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
... Finally, link the cover teacher to the absent teacher's plans in the course settings, so that they can proceed in the same plan ... Changes in class teachers: adjust the classes in the class teacher card, in Agenda online, to reflect the current situation...

1 How to record a one-time adjustment in attendance, e.g. leave of absence
... leave of absence, please use the green + sign and fill in the relevant data: Teachers can use this function likewise ... if they have been granted right for inputting data:...

1 How to specify that Class/Group is missing the whole day
...absent teachers: When class is missing you have an option to specify which group of the class is missing in the second combobox...

1 How to set the process of recording absences into substitutions
...teachers ... If a colleague is absent only for part of the day, the values in their attendance have to be adjusted manually...

1 Improvements in the substitution overview
... It shows not only the substitution "teacher for teacher" but also events, the teachers take part in and due to which they cannot be present at their original lessons ... There you can set up whether to show absent teachers, substitution types or add space for signature...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
... The teachers select the new type of absence when inputting an absence note...

1 How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)
... Enter the date, teachers and students ... Add the absent teachers from this event into the substitution so that the substitute is assigned for the absent teachers...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
...absent teachers (classes and classrooms) you will see them all in the list...

1 How can I upload photos of students and teachers to Edupage
...teachers in "Agenda online" ... Where are these photos used? Photos of students are shown in class register when selecting absent students on a lesson...

1 User rights - Overview
... There is a list of all teachers (emplyees) in the column on the left ... The rights for grades inputting and viewing are described in this guide: Further rights can be set for specific applications in the Applications module...

(user rights, overview of user rights)

1 How to start using Teachers' attendance module
...teachers' attendance: 1...

1 How to define Inventory types?
... When inputting a new inventory item, select the type to which the item belongs...

1 How to import students' photos to EduPage?
... Before clicking on "Import", select whether you are importing photos for teachers or students ... Good job! Where will the photos be used? Students' photos are automatically shownin the class book when you select the absent students in the class, and also in the student's card in Agenda Online...

1 Automatic alerting teachers who omitted to fill out the curriculum in the class register
...teachers who omitted to fill out the curriculum in the class register...

1 Long time absence
... At first set "New absent" and use "longtime absence" ... In the list of missing teachers choose one and select "Lessons"...

1 How can a class teacher view and input grades to students in their class?
...viewing/inputting grades by the administrator ... In the restricted mode, the administrator can set rights to class teachers to view/input grades...

1 Teachers attendance
...Teachers attendance: Allows you to keep track of arrivals, departures and any abandonments of school during the day...

1 How to alert teachers about omitted students' attendance recording
... The signs meaning is as folows: The teachers can be notified about omitted information in the Class register...

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Select the teachers you want at the meeting using button “more” at the end of teacher's list...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
... Lessons will be displayed in class registers and teachers will be able to add curriculum and absences...

1 Basic information on teachers' attendance
... Location of the module in EduPage The Teachers' attendance module can be found in the left menu, section "Education" → "Teacher attendance" ... Number of lessons from timetable, number of covered lessons, number of absent lessons...

(employee attendance)

1 User rights to Teachers' attendance
... Follow these instructions to do so You can set the rights to manual editing of attendance for teachers through "Settings" → "user rights"...

1 How to set the right to add notices in behavior to all teachers at once
... In the unrestricted mode, any teachers can input grades to any students i...

1 Sharing the plan with other teachers
... he can decide whether he wants to share his plan with other teachers or not...

1 Messages to teachers, students and parents
...teachers to communicate with students and parents easily via messages...

1 How to import students, teachers or parents?
Click on the Wizard button and then scroll down to School data. Select Import. Select table - for instance students. Open the list of your students in any software, copy data and paste it into the marked field...

1 How can teachers create consultations for each other
... Teachers can book consultations...

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
... There are 3 ways how to share a plan: Share the plan with other teachers who can only copy plan topics...

1 How to create accounts for teachers, students and parents
... Enter teachers with emails...

1 How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
...teachers, who prepare daily substitution, but you do not wish to give them the full access, you can allow them access only into this module...

1 How to count different types of substitutions into teachers' attendance
...teachers' attendance automatically...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
...teachers in your timetable, program understands it as co-teaching - 2 teachers teach one group of students together...

1 Creating a remark for one day
... where you can specify some more instructions to students and teachers or where you can write down some very complicated swaps...

1 How can one plan be shared and used by multiple teachers? (Team teaching)
...teachers teach a group of students the same course throughout the school year...

1 How do teachers trace which students have viewed the assigned presentation or study material?
... How do teachers trace which students have viewed the assigned presentation or study material? Select the presentation in the "Results" tab...

1 How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
Students have several options to access the materials about a specific study topic prepared for them by the teacher: 1. Via the "Curriculum" 2. Via notification about taught lesson 3. when the teacher assigns material to the student 1...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
... Such teacher then appears in the list of teachers that can be added to the substitution...

1 Replace the lesson
...absent, you can skip his lesson, and replace it with another one, which class has that exat day or in the other day in week...

1 How do I get to the materials that other teachers have prepared for the Standards
In the top menu, select a course and Standards. If there are Standards assigned to the course, they will appear in the column on the left. The number of materials available for the topic in EduPage is displayed next to the topic name...

1 How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
Create a new message by pressing the red + sign. Select the recipients by clicking on the blue icon in the upper right corner. Type in the text of the message and press Continue. The system will display a list of recipients the message will be sent to...

1 More substituting teachers, more classrooms
...teachers to one lesson...

1 Moved, replaced and swapped lessons.
...absent, it is sometimes more practical to move, swap or replace some of his lessons...

1 Authority - approving or rejecting the application
1. Authorized person will receive notification that new application was filed by teacher: 2. Click “Application” 3. Use buttons at the right side to approve or reject application now: 4...

1 What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?
... It is sent to either the teachers, or the participants + teachers or the students or all EduPage users...

1 How can I share my material in the school library?
... Other teachers will then see your material when they check the proper standard a press "Show cards"...

1 Swap the lesons
...absent teacher you can swap it with another lesson with another teacher...

1 How to display the payments and fees to students, parents and teachers
... VISIBILITY OF PAYMENT PLANS AND PAYMENTS LINKED TO SPECIFIC BANK ACCOUNT/CASH PAYMENTS Setting needs to be done for each bank account/cash payments: --> Payers see their fees and payments on the web = fees and payments are visible for students and parents and teachers can see fees and paymen...

(visibility of payments and fees, visibility of payment plans related to specific bank account, visibility of payment plans)

1 Final report - How to set subjects in the final report
... Importing subjects Instead of inputting the subjects, they can be imported from the timetable or from the Grades...

1 Specifying substitutions
...absent teacher, the software will show this teacher's lessons in the middle part of the main screen ... Teachers are sorted from the best candidate for substitution on the top of the list...

1 Teacher - Calendar
... Teachers can input when exams will be, when the class goes to field trip, theatre etc...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... and if there are more missing teachers on same lessons, you can set everything from one window ... Teacher's absence on supervisions In case your teacher is absent only for part of the day...

1 How to input a new teacher/staff entry via AgendaOnline
...Teachers - staff": To create a new teacher entry select "New" and input the data...

1 How to input a new event into the calendar
...teachers and the administrator can input different types of events, such as tests, field trips, theatre performances into the calendar ... click "Select class and subject manually" - select the teacher/several teachers - input the time span of the event (to record absent students in the class register) Note: The teacher can see the event in the class register...

1 The means of informing parents about events organized by the school
... parents and teachers are informed...

1 Administrator - Overview of assignments
...teachers assign to students, such as homeworks, tests or projects...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Courses in the class register display to the students and the teachers based on the valid timetable ... The system will warn the administrator about absent courses, incorrect student divisions, missing student and parent accounts and it will indicate other useful information...

1 Checking of attendance input
... This way, there is a lower chance that teachers will forget to input attendance of students in their lessons ... Note: if there is nobody missing in a lesson, you have to confirm that by clicking on the student's icon and then "Nobody is absent"...

1 Chat with whole class
... Teachers can discuss with other teachers, with students or parents from their class...

1 Applications
...teachers to file different types of applications electronically...

1 Case 3 - Registration for interest groups
... Select teachers who will be permitted to see the registration results ... The Rules help to define the fact that each participant can register for maximum of two events: Save the data after inputting them...

1 How to input school holidays for the current school year?
Inputting all school holidays in the current school year is useful mainly for all class register functions to work properly...

1 How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
...absent teacher or class and you need to edit a particular lesson, e...

1 Student's attendance - Registy of beeps in class register
... All you have to do is click "Fill using attendance system data" If a student forgets to beep, they will be tagged as absent in the class register...

1 When are the changes in Online Substitution published to the webpage
...absent teacher and setup some substitutions in the online version, the changes are not immediately shown on the webpage for public...

1 How to record students' attendance according to the beeps
... Students, wo did not beep upon their arrival to school are automatically marked as absent...

1 Let's get started: How to input your school data into EduPage?
... If you want your teachers to use EduPage, you can create accounts for them: 2...

1 How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
Teachers, who have the user's rights to make daily substitution given by administrator, will see the special icon "Substitution - administration" after they login into app...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
... Create the school's timetable in the aScTimetable program, for the teachers to see their daily timetable in the class register: Publish the timetable: How to publish the timetable to parents/students?...

1 How to start with e-learning?
... Before teachers can assign materials to students, they must first create the courses they teach...

1 Teacher details
... B: In the second column you can set duty and time-off for teachers...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
... Before publishing the timetable: At the beginning of the school year the teachers create their courses...

1 What is the role of standards in EduPage?
... If he wants to share the material with other teachers in school, he must attach proper teaching standards to the material...

1 Grade book - overview
...teachers to input grades either via web page or via mobile application...

1 Send notifications about substitutions
All persons (teachers, students) affected by the substitution receive a free notification about changes in their timtebles. For a summary of all notifications use the button "Notifications". In new window you can see the list of all persons, to whom notifications had been sent...

1 Rights to grades
... Other teachers can not use the "advanced mode"...

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
... The room will be booked for you, and all the other teachers will not be able to book it at that time...

1 How to grant administrator rights to a teacher
Log in as the EduPage administrator. Select "Wizard" in the left menu. Then, select "School data". Select "Teachers". Select the teacher to grant the administrator rights to...

1 How to assign students a file - a study material
... The students (and teachers) get a valuable feedback if the students have grasped the study topic...

1 How to copy students' attendance data from a previous lesson in the mobile application
... and the teachers in the previous lessons have input students' absences, you can just click the "Repeat attendance from previous lesson" button...

1 Overview - grades
...teachers enter students' grades...

(overview grades, grades overview)

1 How to add or remove items in menu
... Visibility of module can be set for everyone, only for logged in users, only for teachers and only for administrator...

1 Overview - standards
... the administrator can see if teachers use standards in their plans...

1 What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
...teachers prefer different evaluation options for students based on their experience and custom...

1 How to add a notice to students I don't teach
... The administrator sets rights to teachers to input grades and notices in behavior...

1 Administrator - how to enable filing applications
... Select teachers who are authorized to aprove or reject applications (for instance headmaster or principal) Administrator has the rights to manage applications by default...

1 How to input a new class/subject entry
... Assign the classes their class teachers...

1 Attendance system - Chip tags personalisation
... Authorize the class teachers to distribute the chip tags in their respective classes...

1 Printing fees and payments
... If the administrator has authorized displaying fees to teachers in the payments settings, the teachers can print reports too...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Administrator: How to set the grading system 1-5, 1-6, A-F etc.
...teachers in the Grade book settings...

1 Teacher - What is the module Activity in class used for?
...teachers the option to quickly and conveniently record how a child reacted in a specific class...

1 How to change the teacher's last name
... Select "Show/enter students, teachers...

1 Missing teacher and classroom on same lesson
... Same case is, when there are two missing teachers on same lessons...

1 How to copy a teaching plan with preparations from another teacher?
... Note: The default setting of a plan (lesson) is that other teachers can only copy plan topics from another teacher...

1 Teacher - Room bookings/Classroom change
... Your original classroom will be freed to use for other teachers:...

1 Teacher with accounts administration rights
... The teacher with accounts administration rights can manage the accounts of teachers, students and parents by clicking on the "Settings" options in the left menu...

1 Overview - absence notes
... which class teachers accept electronic absence notes...

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
... Generally the teachers create their own lessons...

1 How to confirm substitution
Once the substitution is published, everybody somehow involved (teachers, students, parents) will receive the notification to their mobile app. Each teacher can confirm this message with easy click on this message in mobile app...

1 How to display only question slides in the students' smartphones
... The students follow the teachers' presentation on the blackboard...

1 Creating a remark for each substitution.
... This can be used to let the students and the teachers to know some other information...

1 How to setup rights on website sections?
... Teachers can have either partial rights to create teacher pages, edit subject page, publish schedule and substitution from the aSc Timetables on the EduPag school page, adding News, adding new photos to the school gallery, etc...

1 How to properly assign materials to students for online learning?
... because of a virus infection), EduPage offers the teachers various options for online teaching...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... - there are new lessons for the absent teacher in the timetable, and it is necessary to create a new substitutions for them Etc ... This especially concerns those substitutions that were not generated automatically by entering the missing teachers, but those that you entered manually, e...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 Teacher - Employee release application with a mandatory reason for absence
... teachers can submit release applications via EduPage...

1 How to set up a Grade book
... At the beginning of the school year, teachers must create the lessons they will teach that school year...

1 Administrator - Employee release application with a mandatory reason for absence
... Next enable the application and specify teachers, who can reject or approve the applications...

1 Administrator: Basic view
... Display grade book statistics for classes, teachers or for subjects...

1 Approbation
... Choose one or more subjects from the list of subjects: Add the teachers: If you need, you can also specify the grades or year...

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
... Absent days The data about absences is taken automatically from the class register for the given period...

1 Administrator - standards
...teachers is the most important role of standards in EduPage...

1 How to assign standards to a teaching plan?
... If you have standards in your plan, then you can also see all the materials that other teachers have prepared and published on this topic...

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
... The overview is divided into 3 main section: - "School's bank accounts (Fees)" section - "Teachers (Fees)" section - "Payments" section The "School's bank accounts (Fees)" section - Payment plans created by the school display in the first section...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 User with limited access
Teachers have access to grades, class register by default, they can see class register of other classes as well as attendance...

1 Administrator - A tool to check recording of curriculum taught in the class register
... available to both the teachers and the administrator...

1 How the class teacher registers students to interest groups
... The class teachers will select the students at a later stage...

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... In EduPage there are many other materials that other teachers have created...

1 Administrator - How to copy divisions and groups
...teachers select the students when creating the course...

1 Add the classroom change into the substitution online
...teachers assigned the classroom change in the class register , then the administrator can add the swap into the substitution and publish it online...

1 Student's Progress
...teachers or the school management to see the student's results during their studies in comparison with other students in the class, or a comparison of the student's results by individual subjects...

1 Assignment types: Grades, Points and Percent
... It is up to your school to decide which assignment types the teachers at your school can use...

1 How to upload a file to EduPage?
... Administrator can see all files by all teachers: Note: - make sure you have copyright on the material you are uploading...

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
Teachers can input all grades to one column...

1 Planning exams overview
...A by other teachers as well...

1 Attendance - smartbox
... If you plan to record attendance of employees only, a sensible location for installing the system would be a teachers' room (or any room accessible to teachers/employees only, generally visited upon their arrival)...

1 How to add a teacher the right to view grades in multiple classes?
... The administrator can set class teachers the right to view grades from all subjects of their class...

1 Parent - How can I use the notes on activity of my child in class?
... The goal of the “student activity in class” module is to provide a tool that allows teachers to quickly record and share their observations with parents...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
... If you don't have your teaching plan in EduPage yet, you can create it or copy it or import it from excel: It is possible to categorize your preparations by government/school standards, if standards for your subject are available: Teachers of a school can share their materials among them...

1 How to record students` attendance in distance education
...teachers to record attendance of students in distance education: a) If the lesson is held online via Class register, the students` attendance/absence on the online lesson can be recorded based on the student`s connecting to the online lesson via the Class register...

1 Teacher - how to create a parent-teacher meeting
... The teachers can book a consultation for parents they wish to talk to and send them a notification...

1 Administrator - results
... Overview of courses: Grades In this report, you can see whether teachers award students grades to gradebook...

1 How to input a timetable during distance education
... Subsequently, the teachers will have to input their lessons into the class register manually, according to the actual situation...

1 Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?
... Organizing your materials according to the topics of your plan brings you the following benefits: Benefits for teachers: 1...

1 Teacher - How to check if the students have read/done their homework
... The results give the teachers feedback about the homework...

1 Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application
... Teachers save time and they do not have to carry greater amount of money...

(mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema)


1 Inputting absent teachers
... that certain teachers, classes are absent or some rooms cannot be used due to an exams or special events...

1 I want to print summary timetable of teachers with teachers' colors
...teachers is printed using colors of classes...

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
...The number 28 specifies the maxiumum number of teachers that are teaching at one time...

1 How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
... Lessons without class can be used to specify some activities for teachers only...

(without class, teachers' meeting, )

1 We need one free Math teacher for every period in week
... when there are 5 Math teachers in your school and you wish to ensure that there always be at least one of these teachers free on every period (e...

1 We have teacher who teaches only 2 days per week and it doesn't matter which
...Teachers - select the teacher - Constraints...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
...- you can select the teachers and select only the teachers that have enough lessons - as usual: add this constraint only when you can already generate the timetable without it - in some timetables this constraint might not work...

1 Advisor - These teachers have to teach in too many classes at the same time
... It is fine, until we set, that 6 teachers have “time-off” on exact same period (on picture below it is third period on Wednesday)...

1 Is it possible to have two teachers supervising one room?
... You can define the number of teachers needed for one duty...

1 Print teachers' contracts
You can export the contracts to MS Excel...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
... - use change teachers if this shall apply to only some teachers...

1 How to show the timetable colored by buildings
... Then you can quickly check when classes or teachers buildings change in their timetables...

1 Choosing teachers for room supervision.
...teachers for supervisions, it is necessary to create all duties in this way: Then you can choose a teacher for room supervision by clicking on supervision time in "Room supervision" view...

1 Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables
...teachers complain about the "windows" in their timetable...

1 How to set teacher's timeoff
...Teachers dialog you can specify when each teacher can teach...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
You can test multiple classes/teachers/classrooms/subjects/students this way: First go to corresponding view (Whole/Teachers/Classrooms/Subjects/Students). Then select rows that you wish to test. You can do it by clicking on row headers...

1 Print different bell times for teachers
If your school has different bell times for different parts of the school, then the software tries to guess which bells shall be printed for each teacher. Eg if the teacher has all the lessons in one part of the school, then that bell is printed...

1 Verify just one class/teachers/subject
...teachers in the current timetable you can right click on its/his row headers and select "Verification"...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
...teachers have a full day blocked...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
...Teachers - select the teacher from the list and use "Remove" button and confirm with "Yes" Note: - All lessons of this teacher will be removed also...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
...teachers and colleagues...

1 How can I specify teachers’ home classrooms?
You can edit any teacher and specify his/her classrooms: Then in the lesson definition you can specify that the lesson has to be in the one of the teacher's classrooms. This option is automatically selected for new lessons that have teacher with own classrooms...

1 How to ensure lunch break for teachers
If you need to make sure that every teacher has at least one period free during lunch time for lunch, you can input it this way: Example: Lunch between periods 3-5. This means there are 3 periods available. So we can input it making sure that during 3.-5. period teacher can have max 2 lessons...

1 Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
... since most cases are solved by the fact that the teachers have to use the same room or they teach the same group of students...

1 How to print only certain classes or teachers?
... For example, here we will print a summary timetable only for 3 teachers and only for Monday, periods 2-4: This filter is global for all printouts, so it will affect all the printouts...

1 How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
...teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms list box to reorder items in the list...

(sorting, order,)

1 Can I define min/max supervisions for the teachers?
... This feature is usefull, if you use the duties generator, but even if you are assigning teachers for supervisions manually, you can see these limits in the list of teachers (only maximum values)...

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
...If this value is set to 6 then your teachers cannot teach from the 1st to 7th period in a row, but they can teach 1st and 2nd, then pause and then from 4th to 8th...

1 Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
... so - create lesson with one teacher - two times per week AND lesson with two teachers (via "More teachers" button) - three times per week See: In timetable you can see two colors on cards with two teachers and two different rows in class contracts from the same subject...

1 How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
Go to print preview and in the marked combobox, select your report. Notes: 1. You can modify what shall be printed in each card 2. You can change the height of rows by dragging the lines 3...

1 Our class teachers always have to teach the 1st lesson
Please, see this article first: If this class teacher teaches only one subject, you can simply lock their lesson on that position...

1 Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
You can export the data you have inputted to MS Excel. Choose menu File/Export/Export to MS Excel: The following dialog appears. You can select what you want to be exported: The most usefull is probably to export contracts. This export all the data into several sheets for each list...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... Once you have created all of the four main items - subjects, classes, classrooms and teachers - you can start to create these lessons ... You can also select the option "Without teacher" (on the bottom of the list), if you are inputting some special lessons or you have not decided about the teacher for this lesson yet...

1 Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
... Note: Do not forget, that this relation must correspond with teachers' lessons settings...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
If you have some activities that each teacher shall do, but you want to add them AFTER the timetable is created, you can use "temporary subjects". This solution is good, if you do not know how many special lessons - without class - each teacher will have...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... Substitutions online now offers a possibility to move the lesson of absent teacher to a different day: If for example a teacher Fisher is absent, you may move his lesson to some other day so that he do not lose it ... Substitution online also suggests swaps of lessons - you can swap Fisher's Tuesday lesson with Keat’s Wednesdays lesson – both teachers will teach their subject without changing students study times...

1 Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
!!!ATTENTION!!! Use this solution only in case, you are not using ASC Substitution online feature, which we strongly recommend to you - see this topic: 1. Define new subject "Substitution Duty" 2. Create a lessons 'Without class' with this subject. 3...

1 Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
... you wish to limit consecutive periods for teachers to "max 3" in a row you can use this global or individual setting...

1 How could be distributed the first/last lessons for all teachers in equality?
... Example for first lesson: You have to set for all teachers constraint "Max number of first period lessons" as advanced card relationship, see picture: Same way you can input "Max number of last period lessons"...

1 How can we display full names of teachers and students in timetables for public?
...teachers and students) can be displayed in published timetable in this way: If you leave checkboxes unchecked, then the shorts will be used instead of full names...

1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
You can customize what is printed on each card: 1. Go to Print - Print preview. 2. Use the right mouse button on the desired card: 3. Check what shall be printed: The same aproach can be used to specify texts also in individual timetables...

(font size, print,)

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... the system will check the names of your teachers and if you have added some new teachers into the timetable it will only add those...

1 How can I specify class main teacher?
... Note: - this option is not meant as "all teachers in the class", the main "class teacher" is usually just one person, - teachers names will be displayed in the top-right corner of class's timetable...

(class teacher)

1 How to delegate other teachers to administrate the timetables
... Select any of the teachers that you have already created in EduPage or create a new account...

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
... that you have lessons where are physically two or more teachers in one classroom with one group of students at the same time, you can add all teachers via button "More teachers"...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)

1 Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
... So, in case, these teachers have other activities - they have each day blocked by you...

1 Typical situation: Two teachers are teaching two subjects in one class at the same time
The software allows you to create lesson not just for Entire class, but you can create lesson for each group of certain class...

1 Print legends below timetables
... teachers or classrooms so that your students will understand the abbreviation in the timetable...

1 Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
... If you for example select only apply to teachers it would mean that each teacher can have max 2 periods per day...

1 Do not print some breaks or periods in some classes (or teachers or in summary timetables)
tu treba doplnit, ze v online rozvrhoch je toto nastavenie viditelne iba ked zvolis bell 1 For each period or break you can specify, that it shall be printed in only in a group of classes...

1 Custom views
... By clicking on Change you can specify which classes or teachers you want to see in this view...

1 Supervisions in more weeks timetable
... you can set the teachers supervisions duties in two ways: A: same teachers in every week In this case, you can simply use default "Weeks merged" view, and then add supervisions as usually...

(week, supervision, canteen, )

1 What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
... But other teachers can have, of course, just one per teacher...

1 How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
...teachers or classrooms...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... In most common cases when inputting the lessons it is enough to use just groups, like Boys/Girls or 1st group/2nd group ... When should I used seminars? Divided lessons, groups from one very same divisions are taught by different teachers - use divisions...

1 Contract planning in Lesson grid
... List of teachers will be (re)sorted every time you select some lesson in grid...

1 How to input new teacher
...Teachers - New...

1 How to edit teacher's details
In main menu click on "Teachers" - select the teacher from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... For example you can see how many teachers have over 5 gaps, which was set as important constraints and how many have over 2 gaps which was set as low importance constraints...

(new version)

1 How to specify that we cannot use classroom at certain times?
As with other objects (teachers, classes,...) you can use time-off to define when you can use certain classroom...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
... Notes: - this is how you can upload the timetable: User rights - by default only logged teachers can view the timetables for teachers...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
... Alternativelly you can use the same steps as described above and import teachers or classes before lessons...

1 Blocked part of the day
... You can for example tell the software that teacher shall have only 2 days, but the generator can decide which ones: or if you need some free afternoons for your teachers - let the software decide which ones: The software allows you to input many similar constraints...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
... It offers several features that will help you with sharing the timetable, online backups, teachers daily plans, publishing substitution information and more...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2
...inputting it is possible to import the students and their seminar choices from program MS Excel...

1 Transfers between buildings
... Transfers for individual teachers - in teacher's constraints you can limit the max number of transits per day and per week...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... Try to generate a Draft timetable, before inputting all your constraints ... Now you can add constraints one by one, from the most important to the 'wish lists' of your teachers...

1 How many timetables can be published during a school year?
... classregister, substitution, teachers and students attendance and other modules linked to your actual timetable)...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
... If your school does not agree with publishing substitution information on teachers, you may configure online viewer to hide teachers' timetables, or hide teachers full names (see ) - if you have 2 weeks timetable...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
... teachers change, or some courses ended, ...

1 How can I print days in columns and periods in rows?
...teachers, classes or classrooms using days as rows and periods as columns...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 What’s new in version 2009
... Constrains summary A new function shows you all the constraints you have inputted so far and that the generator shall maintain during the generation New window for inputting students and their picks The window for inputting student’s picks is now reorganized, several features shall allow you fo...

1 How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
...g 10 days): Please note that in this case you have to double the teachers lessons...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... The constraints for teachers and classes were split into several constraints that can be turned off or on individually...

1 How to print in color and define colors in printouts
... If you leave default option "automatic", the cards in reports for individual classes, classrooms and subjects will be colored with the teacher's color and for individual teachers the color of the classes will be used as background...

1 How can I define lesson without any teacher?
... Note: These lessons will not be visible in the "teachers view"...

1 Lesson's length counting in teacher's contract
... So for example if you have English conversation lessons that do only add 0,5 to the total teachers contract, you can specify this in Subjects/Constraints dialog...

1 Import from XML
... Adding new columns into XML file As an example, we can enhance XML import with class teachers for classes...

1 Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
... - same condition can be defined for mornings, again just change the map - you can select only some teachers that shall be considered...

1 Teacher cannot teach both in the morning and in the afternoon
...Apply it to teachers - so that it is checked for each teacher indivdually and mark the the two timeoffs the corresponding periods...

1 How can I define Extra columns?
... Summary timetables for teachers, many more options for extra columns/rows will be displayed...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The result is 2x faster generation times comparing to previous year release! Mobile application was greatly extended The teachers can now input grades/curriculum into electronic class register...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
1. Try to generate on higher complexity 2. Try to generate with relaxed constraints to see what kind of constraints had to be relaxed, and then relax them. 3. You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable...

1 Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
... The teachers usually need much more gaps per week in this scentario...

1 Maximum one planning time lesson per day
... Using the advanced cardrelationship you can specify that teacher can have max 1 planning time lesson per day: Take care to specify the correct values: - Select "Max periods per day (#10)" - Specify max 1 per day - Select "Apply to selected teachers"...

1 Additional data synchronisation
... If some teachers have not been connected automatically, e...

1 How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)
... so that for example teachers preparation time and lunch are not counted into the consecutive periods count...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
... Program just change the definitions of the lessons for classes and teachers in a way that there will be no unplaced cards, so basically decrease the counts of periods per week...

1 Working with divided lessons
... Now you can select the lesson teachers: Notes If you want only one group to have this lesson...

1 Reducing the room usage
... - generate with relaxation and use low importance for these rules so that yuo do not create much worse timetable for teachers and students just to fee the Gym room for renting on one afternoon...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
... Only teachers with passwords can see the teacher's timetables and students and their parents can see student's timetables...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
... However if some teacher has to go to lunch with children then this behaviour is probably not acceptable for you, because you will need two teachers for escorting children to lunch each day(one for each group)...

1 Typical situation: Physical education joined boys and girls from two classes:
... So we have 3 teachers, one for boys in 5A, one for boys in 5B and one teacher that takes girls from 5A and 5B: Be careful: The lessons dialog in the above picture shows only the rows for lessons in 5A...

1 I want to have Single AND Double lessons of one subject! E.g 1+1+1+2
... you can add into teachers' lessons that he is teaching e...

1 How to generate timetable with students
... This option is good when you for example have already distributed a master timetable to teachers and you cannot change it...

1 How can I copy lessons
... Note 1: if you are copying lessons without class, then the software asks you for teachers to which you the selected lessons will be copied...

1 What's new in version 2010
... It offers several features that will help you with sharing the timetables, online backups, teachers daily plans, publishing substitution information and more...

1 What's new in version 2007
... You can add pictures, your school logo or other necessary text: Details: Custom fields Custom fields allow you to define any additional information you might need for your teachers, classes, rooms or even the school...

1 How can I input individual students
... The order Last name/ First name is taken by this setting: Note Inputting the students picks can be done for more students at once in other ways, so maybe this second option is more convenient and quicker...

1 What's new in version 2013
... also the import of students and selections was simplified: Max teachers on one period You can now define the maximum number of teachers on certain periods to make sure you have enough free teachers free on each period...

1 Export to XML
This topic is for IT personnel of your school. It requires basic software programming skills. Please see this topic for simpler way of exporting data from aSc Timetables: See also: aSc Timetables can export data into "aSc Timetables XML" file...

1 Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms
... However if you want them to be on the same time in each week, because teachers might swap kids, you can create this cardrelationship: Basivally this will say there can be max 2 periods per all weeks...

1 Education block - allow some classes to come later or to leave school earlier.
... This comes especially handy if you have rooms or teachers shortage...

(manually set educational block,)

1 How to change the week for more lessons at once?
... You can leave all lessons selected or specify the lessons for particular subjects (1), classes (2), teachers (3)...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
... So the software tried to remove classes one by one, to find the smaller part of the timetable that still cannot be generated considering only time-offs for teachers and classes...

1 Advisor - No lessons for certain period
... Then the software will know there is no period at that slot: Of course this was simple example - it may happen then only certain teachers combined with subjects will result is some period where no lesson can be placed because either teacher or subjects cannot go there...

1 What's new in version 2012
... New events: There is now one unified function called Events that allows you: Plan exams for students Teacher can book exam for any class/subject, so that other teachers do not use the same date for important test/exams...

1 How to apply constraints to whole grades
... Not to mention the possible errors in inputting 30 card relationships...

1 Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
... Notes: - if your timetable already contains teachers, courses, classes etc, the import will try to match them...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
... For example, summary timetable of teachers is fit to width, but not fit to height so you can set the height of the rows...

1 How can I print breaks between lessons?
... You can select all summary reports and/or individual reports for teachers, classes, classrooms...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
In ASC Timetables you can merge two (or more) timetables into one file with the Import function. This is handy if you and your colleagues have prepared different timetable files for different part of your school - e.g...

1 How to input buildings
... or into one campus (so buildings are very close and teachers/kids can move between lessons during breaks)...

1 Teacher's lessons - Contracts
... Displayed data: subject, class(or classes in the case when he/she teaches joint classes), lesson duration, number per week, groups in a specific class, classroom, cycle and more teachers...

1 Synchronization with database
... for teachers, students, groups, ...

1 How to specify that class can have max one 7th lesson or max one 0lesson?
... Notes: - you can use the same cardrelationship for teachers, just change 'Apply to' combobox...

1 Teacher's constraints
... - you can use "Set for all" button to copy selected setting to other teachers...

1 What is room supervision and how to input it?
... children need to be supervised by a teachers during a break times in particular areas of the school (e...

1 Lesson requires more classrooms
... Example 1: I have "Hand work" lesson, where are joined 2 classes with 2 teachers, but I need them to be allocated into two classrooms...

1 What's new in version 2014
... But although if you can generate a timetable for each teacher alone, you may still not be able to generate a timetable for two teachers together...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
... Proposed are options for logged teachers and unlogged public quests...

1 Adding more lessons at once
...teachers/classes have the same or similiar lessons, you can use button Add more and add several lessons at once: Select the number of lessons that you want to add in the combobox and then each row will represent one lesson...

1 Comparing timetables
There are two options how to compare your timetable files. You may find both in menu File - Compare...

1 aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
... Very easy to share with other teachers/students One click and your teachers can see the timetable for review...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
... In first text box please try to describe your case as much as you can - some examples will be highly appreciated - best way is to use precise names of teachers, subjects, classes, ...

1 The student’s timetable view
... The color has also changed because the color was by teachers...

1 Generate room supervision
... These criteria are linked with actual teachers' timetables, so we recommend to generate duties only after your timetable is complete...


1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
... The advantage: teachers ... The advantage: teachers recording the students' attendance see information that the absent students are on the skiing trip ... Inputting mass absence note is not obligatory...

1 Attendance of students
... Use one click for an absent student (Andrew Barber) and two clicks when a student is late (Alicia Martin) ... Students' attendance for class teachers: ...

1 Inputting/accepting electronic absence note for a future date
... For example: Student Adam Benko will be absent on the 24th January due to planned doctor's appointment ... Later, when the teachers record the student's absence in the class register on that day...

1 Absence notes overview
... The teachers just need to accept or reject the absence note ... Class teachers decide, if they allow electronic absence notes inputting in their class...

1 Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan
...absent they can let the cover teacher know what topics should be covered in the lesson via "Instructions to substituting teacher...

1 What can class teachers do in class register?
...teachers have the possibility to edit the classbook of their classes: Select your class ... For example if some of your colleagues forget to input who was absent on some lessons...

1 How to inform absent students about the content of the lesson they missed
... Thus the absent students know what the topic of the lesson was...

1 Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register
... A teacher who is absent and isn't going to teach the lesson...

1 How can the class teacher input absence notes?
... If the student was absent for one day, click the same date twice...

1 Several teachers take turns teaching in one school club department. How to create a course
...teachers take turns teaching in one school club department it is important to add them into the course...

1 Class Teacher Principle - Attendance control
... Class teachers usually teach the majority of their class's lessons themselves ... Since the control function has been switched off, it is particularly important to confirm all absent students promptly and correctly in the class register in order to avoid discrepancies in the absence tool and in the statistics...

1 Teachers in students' groups alternate. How to create a course?
... The teachers in the groups alternate, but they still follow the same plan for each group...

1 Class teacher - How to enable electronic absence notes
...inputting easier, the class teacher can enable (or disable) electronic absence notes from parents...

1 How to notify teachers, students and parents about an important found item
... Decide if you want to send the notification to the whole school, to all teachers or only to selected classes...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
...teachers have a class divided into two groups, foreign languages for example, we advise each teacher to create a separate course with a separate plan...

1 Teacher release application and sickness notification
... teachers can submit applications via EduPage ... ) The advantage of submitting applications electronically is that after the application has been approved, information about absent teacher automatically appears in the Substitutions...

1 Fastest way to record students' attendance
... Mark the absent students by taping their name...

1 Parents – how to register for a parent-teacher meeting
...teachers during their consultation hours...

1 How to publish question groups to the school library
... The teachers will be able to access the question group based on the standard...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
... You can input the curriculum, absentees in that lesson, assign homework etc...

1 Case 2 - Registration for a skiing trip
... Select teachers who will be permitted to see the registration results ... The Rules help to define the fact that each participant can register for only one event: Save the data after inputting them...

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
... If your school decided to use the electronic class register, we recommend the teachers create teaching plans for each course they teach ... The teacher records attendance/absent students...

1 How do students view their results from tests or homework?
... the teachers can see the results here...

1 How to enter Mass absence note in EduPage
...absent for the same time period and for the same reason, the absences can be excused en masse...

1 How to excuse students' absences due to school representation automatically
... Parents are notified that their child is safe in the company of the accompanying teacher and the class teacher has no additional work excusing absent students...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
... You are welcome to use a tool for inputting answers...

1 Creating consultation hours for students
... The teachers can book a consultation for students they wish to talk to and send them a notification...

1 How do I amend my preparations with notes only visible to me?
... - they can be displayed to the absent students - you can mark them as already taught - they can be assigned to the students as homework - The notes can take different form - apart form text notes you can input a photo, image, link, video, presentation etc...

1 Registration to field trips, seminars, courses and other activities
... It can be used by an administrator to organize elective seminars, courses for teachers and so on...

1 Lesson with the teacher's assistant
... add the assistant to the "Teachers teaching the course" in the course settings...

1 How can a class teacher access an overview of grades from all subjects in their class?
...teachers a right to access information about grades from all subjects in their class...

1 Administrator/teacher - switching between teacher's and administrator's accounts
...teachers is also the EduPage administrator...

1 Courses with bell icon
...teachers has to create courses they teach...

1 How to make a test invisible for students?
Teachers can prepare a test for students in advance...

1 Overview of the use of EduPage preparations
... The same goes for the absent students...

1 I am a teacher and a parent - How do I switch between my EduPage accounts?
...teachers have their EduPage teacher's account and a parent's account aa well...

1 'Select category' question card
...teachers sort the answers into the categories the same way as they do by creating the 'Sorting into categories' question card...

1 I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
... This way you can easily send the curriculum covered in the lesson to the absent students...

1 Teacher - login
Teachers receive the EduPage login data from school administrator...


1 Parents - How to enter electronic absence note into EduPage
... the class teacher may enable inputting electronic absence notes by parents ... Select the date of absence, lessons if the student was absent for only part of the school day...

1 How to send message to teachers or students
To create a new message, press the red + button. You can select a specific recipient from a group of recipients by clicking on their name. To select all, click the All Students button. To create a new message on the web, click the Start button in the upper left corner...

1 How to filter only HW or tests in notifications?
...teachers and students have the "Exams & works" tab in the "Notifications"...

1 What is the difference between parent and student account?
... From parent account only it is possible to: to sign grades to enter electronic absence note to communicate with teachers as a parent ...

1 Parents with more than one child
... Parents accounts are created by the class teachers...


1 How to send message to teachers or students
To create a new message, press the red + button. You can select a specific recipient from a group of recipients by clicking on their name. To select all, click the All Students button. To create a new message on the web, click the Start button in the upper left corner...

1 How to display a homework that has been removed/hidden/flagged as done by accident
... This function is useful for for both the students/parents and the teachers...

1 Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done
... This function is useful for for both the students/parents and the teachers...

Teachers - Constraints

1 Teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week in class 5A but both are in the afternoon.
You instruct the generator to balance the lessons so that if teacher is teaching only two or three lessons in one class they shall not be placed every time late in the day. You have two options: 1. or 2...

1 How to specify min and max lesson teacher shall have on one day?
You can do this in teacher's constraints: Notes: - you can specify to not to check these values on the Saturdays/Sundays. So the teacher shall have 2 lessons each day on the Monday-Friday, but they can have 0 or 1 on Saturday. - please make sure that you do not require unrealistic demands here...

1 How to specify a teacher can teach only one 7th lesson
Simple solution Define the question marked positions: then define max. on quesion marked positions in teacher's details: You can specify how many lessons can be placed on question marked positions. You can e.g. specify that the teacher have 6th lesson question marked and max is 2...

1 We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
dorobit obrazok z online If your teacher is teaching for example 23 lessons per week (46 in total) and you are using 10 day timetable (2x5days) it can happen that the software generates 30 lesson in one week and 16 in the other week...

1 Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6
This constraint can be usefull if you have a situation that you have different bells in grade 5 and grade 6th...

1 Teacher cannot teach in two different classes in one day
You can add cardrelationships that says, teacher cannot teach in 5A and 5B in the same day: If you have more classes you will need to add more cardrelationships, depending on what you really need...

1 Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
Add this advanced cardrelationship: Please note the: Apply to selected teacher's classes. This will make sure the rule is applied to each teacher in each of his classes separatelly. If you use for example Apply globally, then there could not be 3 conscutive lessons in the whole school...

1 Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
You can add this cardrelationship Notes: - use this only when you have some timetable generated See also: ...

1 Teacher cannot teach both 6th and 7th period. He can teach only one of these two.
You can insert this cardrelationship: Select only those two periods in the timeoff - the constraint max 1 per day is applied only on those lessons that are marked as green...

1 Teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day, but only twice in week
This can be done with using these two constraint. 1. At first set, that teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day. You can do so in teacher's constraint or with this advanced card relationship 2. Now set that teacher can have max 4 periods per day with two exceptions...

1 Our teacher must teach in consecutive days
You can use this advanced card relationship to achieve, that teacher will have no free days between days with their lessons...

1 Our teacher teach two different subjects but they need at least one period gap between.
If your math teacher teaches also physical education, he will be very grateful, if you create him the timetable with a gap between two lessons for different subjects. You can use this advanced relation...

Teachers - Data input

1 Configure name format (First name / Last name)
When exporting data from aSc Timetables, you may sometimes find that first and last names are mismatched. You get "Last name" exported as "First name" in external system. To fix this, you have to configure format of the names in aSc Timetables...

Attendance - teachers - Attendance of teachers

1 How to customize the section appearance - show or hide sections?
When the items displayed have been set , the predefined items display can be set for individual employees. Use the "Show" function to adjust the items displayed in individual sections. For example: non-teaching staff will only have the "Attendance" section displayed...

1 How to customize the section appearance - show or hide sections?
Insert text here ....

Attendance of teachers - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Workload types to be used at our school
If some of the workload types are superfluous for your school, turn them off. The attendance overview will be easier to read. Go to "Settings", select the "Workload" tab and turn off the superfluous items. Items can be renamed. A new workload item can be added...

Sharing materials among teachers - Preparations

1 How can I use shared material, e.g. test?
Shared test can not be assigned directly to students, however questions can be picked and a new test created. Select "show cards". Mark the questions you want and select "Add to Material". Now you can create the test the usual way...

1 How to make a copy of a card (your, school or global card)
Select the card you want to copy. Click on the "Duplicate cards" icon in the top menu. Select the option to make a copy without grouping. Press Done. A copy of the card has been created and can be further edited...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
Tick the questions that are to be assigned to students. Click "Add selected to material". The questions can be assigned to students either as a test, or as homework. The homework has a default name that can be changed...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
Insert text here ....